Apologies can be incredibly powerful and they can also sometimes be incredibly hard. I believe they are also partly a skill that can be worked on and developed. Books can be a wonderful tool for helping to introduce children to this skill and the impact that it can have. Also, alongside apologies is the topic of forgiveness. Forgiveness is also something that is incredibly powerful and not only helps us to be better as individuals, but helps make the world a better place. Below is a list of picture books that we love that demonstrate either apologies, forgiveness or both. We could all do with a little more apologies, apologizing, being forgiven and forgiving in our lives, right?
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I’m Sorry (The I’m Books) by Michael Ian Black and Debbie Ridpath Ohi – We adore this series and this book is no exception. In the story Potato needs to apologize to an upset and hurt Flamingo, but he would rather almost do anything but. At first. However, after a bit he gives it a try and learns how healing an apology can be.
How to Apologize by David LaRochelle and Mike Wohnoutka- This book is a lovely little primer on how to apologize and covers everything from not making hollow excuses when you apologize to being heartfelt when you do so. It is a valuable book for young and old readers alike and is done extremely well.
Sonny Says Mine! by Caryl Hart and Zachariah Ohora- Sonny found a new toy that he loves, however, he soon learns who the rightful owner is. At first he is unwilling to speak up, because he wants to keep it. In the end he feels badly and gathers the courage to do the right thing.
Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes- When Lilly’s purple plastic purse gets temporarily confiscated at school she is unkind and draws a mean picture of her teacher. She soon realizes that he is not to blame and that she owes him an apology.
Monster Knows I’m Sorry (Monster Knows Manners) by Connie Rose Miller and Maira Kistemann Chiodi- This book is a nice one to demonstrate polite, little apologies that are a part of good manners. The kind that are effective when we realize our behavior isn’t what it should be or we aren’t being especially nice, but wish to own it and promptly correct our behavior.
KEVIN by Rob Biddulph- Kevin wants to be able to cause whatever mischief he wants with no consequence, but soon learns that his actions affect others and that the best way to handle to them is to take accountability for them. He says his apologies, then puts his apology into action as he sets off to make things right. This book is both playful as well as meaningful.
My Friend Maggie by Hannah E. Harrison- In this story we see two friends who get along great until Paula leaves Maggie for some new friends who aren’t nice to Maggie. When those new friends turn on Paula, Maggie steps in to defend her and demonstrates not only true friendship, but forgiveness. This one is impactful.
I’m Sorry! by Barry Timms and Sean Julian- Owl and Squirrel are very good friends but one day they have an argument and neither of them wants to apologize at first. Even when one says the word “sorry” it doesn’t work to heal things until they actually mean it. Beautiful story about the healing power of an apology.
I’m Sorry by Sam McBratney and Jennifer Eachus- This story is geared towards very young children and is so sweet. It starts by describing a friendship that a little boy and girl have and then explains that one day they shouted at each other and then they didn’t want to play together anymore for a bit. After a while they both feel badly, apologize and are willing to move on with their friendship. A simple, but effective book.
Sorry (Really Sorry) by Joanna Cotler and Harry Bliss – Cow starts a chain of events when she is mean to duck and then duck is mean to frog. The chain continues until Dog changes things around by responding with empathy and forgiveness when pig is rude to him. This leads to a chain of kindness, forgiveness and apologies that makes all the difference.
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