Every time Earth Day comes around again I also grateful for the reminder to take a moment and appreciate the beauty of this wonderful planet as well as to reassess what I can do personally to take better care of it. Of course, I try to keep this in my mind and heart all year, but I love the dedicated time around this time of year to focus on it. And, like every other ocassion and holiday, we love to celebrate (and educate) with books! So, below is a list of some fantastic books that focus on themes of caring for and appreciating our lovely Earth.
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Masters of Disguise: Camouflaging Creatures & Magnificent Mimics by Marc Martin – This book is beautifully illustrated and filled with information about animals that have some pretty amazing camaflouge abilities.
Reptiles Everywhere by Britta Teckentrup- This book features all things reptiles. It covers everything from different types of reptiles to the features that make them unique. It is also done by a favorite illustrator/author of ours.
Pop-Up Earth by Anne Jankeliowitch, Annabelle Buxton and Olivier Charbonnel- This book has some incredible pop-up features that highlight different aspects of our planed from it’s layers to the life on it. There are only 5 pop up features, but they are spectacular.
We Are Water Protectors by Carole Lindstrom and Michaela Goade- This beautifully written book highlights the indigenous people of North America and their love for the planet as well as their dedication to protecting Her water. So well done.
Sunrise Summer by Matthew Swanson and Robbi Behr- This is the story of a young girl who gets to help her family in the summer with fishing for Alaskan Salmon. I like the added emphasis of how they limit what they take to not disrupt the ecosystem to much as well as their appreciation for nature and the fish.
Hello, Earth!: Poems to Our Planet by Joyce Sidman and Miren Asiain Lora- These poems are lovely tributes to this beautiful planet that we call home and I love it. There is a lot of variety and the end of the book includes some resources for further learning about Earth.
Zoom Rainforest Advenutre by Susan Hayes and Susanna Rumiz- This board book is from a series that is bright, fun and perfect for introducing the youngest bookworms to different topics about the Earth. This one focuses on the rainforests and is wonderful.
Little Sap: The Magical Story of a Forest Family by Jan Hughes and Ruth Hengeveld- This is a great book about the growth process of saplings and tree families. Love it!
Have You Ever Seen a Flower? by Shawn Harris- This book is a beautiful tribute to flowers! It invites you to see them in new ways and to notice tiny details that you may never have noticed before.
Welcome Home, Whales by Christina Booth- This book is dedicated to the slow return of the blue whales when they finally became more protected from hunting practices. It is sad, yet hopeful and well done.
Grasshopper by Tatiana Ukhova- In this wordless picture book a child catches a grasshopper and observes it in a jar. In the end the grasshopper is free and hops away. Its definitely one to make you think and is good for starting discussions with children about the insects around us.
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