Grandparents are very important individuals. They can be such incredible examples to children of unconditional love and can really impact a child’s life in such a powerful and positive way. Growing-up I had a grandmother that I was particularly close too and she did so much to boost my self-esteem and help raise me with love. To this day I miss her and treasure my memories with her.

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Below are some of our favorite picture books that celebrate the special bond between children and grandparents. And, because they can be so beautiful and important as well, we included some books that feature intergenerational friendships as well.
“Our Favorite Day” by Joowon Oh- This book is about a grandfather and granddaughter who spend time together once a week and when they do, it is their favorite day every time. SO sweet!
“Looking for Yesterday” by Alison Jay- In this story a young boy is looking for yesterday because it was so good that he wants to repeat it. His grandfather gives him a gentle reminder that yesterdays are meant to be treasured, but that the good memories are made by enjoying the present.
“Time for Bed Miyuki” by Roxane Marie Galliez and Seng Soun Ratanavanh- In this beautiful story a young girl has a whimsical list of “things to do” before bed as her patient grandfather tucks her in. Such a gorgeous one.
“Tiny, Perfect Things” by M. H. Clark and Madeline Kloepper- I adore this book! It features a grandfather and granddaughter on a walk and all the little bits of nature they notice and treasure. Simple and lovely.
“Grandpa Green” by Lane Smith- This is a wonderfully done story about a grandfather who uses his skills are a gardener to pass on stories from his life to his grandson. Such a neat concept and so well done.
“Stardust” by Jeanne Willis and Briony May Smith- In this story a young girl is caught up in a bout of sibling comparison and is feeling pretty discouraged. Her loving grandfather steps-in and reminds her just how special she really is on her own.
“How to Babysit a Grandpa” by Jean Reagan and Lee Wildish- This is a humorous and adorable book that specializes in sharing how involved grandparents can be with grandchildren and the special times they have together and the memories they create.
“When Grandma Gives You a Lemon Tree” by Jamie L.B. Deenihan and Lorraine Rocha- This book is definitely a new favorite for us. In the story a little girl is initially disappointed to receive a lemon tree for her birthday form her grandmother. However, she soon learns the wisdom that her grandmother has and the tree turns out to be the best gift ever.
“The Lines on Nana’s Face” by Simona Ciraolo – This is one of the sweetest books on aging that I have ever seen. In it a granddaughter asks her grandmother about her wrinkles and her grandmother proceeds to tell the stories of her life that those wrinkles represent to her. A beautiful tribute too aging.
“Last Stop on Market Street” by Matt De La Pena and Christian Robinson – This is a tender story about a young boy and his grandmother who ride the bus together every week. While on the bus the young boy asks questions on his mind and the grandmother shares her wisdom.
“How to Babysit a Grandma” by Jean Reagan and Lee Wildish- My mother-in-law gets the biggest kick out of this book. Like “How To Babysit a Grandma” it celebrates the good times that grandparents and grandchildren have together.
“Ba-Chan the Ninja Grandma” by Sanae Ishida- This playful and clever little book features a grandma who is an incredibly awesome ninja. It is sure to make you smile and I hope to be a grandmother this “cool” someday.
“I Really want to see you, Grandma” by Taro Gomi- This is a silly and endearing story about a grandmother and granddaughter who both head-out to visit the other at the same time and miss/pass each other on the first trip. Kids are sure to giggle and relate with the tone in this one.
“Thank You!” by Charo Pita and Anuska Allepuz- This book is so heartwarming. A young girl asks her grandmother many of life’s questions and the grandmother responds by saying she doesn’t know the answer, but she knows what to do: express gratitude.
“Thunder Cake” by Patricia Polacco- I have so much love for this book! In it a grandmother helps her granddaughter deal with her fear of thunderstorms by preparing and baking a chocolate “thunder cake” with her. It demonstrates how many grandparents have the wonderful ability to turn anything into a positive experience.
The Keeper of Wild Words: (Nature for Kids, Exploring Nature with Children) by Brooke Smith and Madeline Kloepper- A beautiful story about a grandmother passing on knowledge of nature to her granddaughter. It makes a great tribute to the things we pass on from generation to generation and how special and lovely they are.
Both Grandparents
Sweet Pea Summer by Hazel Mitchell- In this story a young girl spends the summer living with her grandparents and learns to care for and grow sweet peas. It is sweet and tender and adresses topics of change, family and coping with illness.
Intergenerational Friendships
“The House At the End of the Road” by Kari Rust- In this story three children make an unexpected friendship with an elderly gentleman who lives next to their grandmother’s house. They learn about his life and continue to care for him and be friends with him after he has to leave his home for assisted living.
“A Hat for Mrs. Goldman” by Michelle Edwards and G. Brian Karas- ur favorite day urfavoritedayThis is the story of a little girl and her neighbor friend Mrs. Goldman. She likes to go to Mrs. Goldman’s and help her make hats for people in their community. However, one day she decides that Mrs. Goldman needs a hat of her own and decides to perform the act of kindness of making one for her herself.
“Chicken Sunday” by Patricia Polacco – A young Russian girl who is accepted into a family just like a granddaughter and her African American brothers try to earn money to buy their grandmother a new easter bonnet.
Birdsong by Julie Flett- A gentle and thought provoking book about a young girl as she adjusts from a move, develops a sweet relationship with a senior neighbor and accepts the changing of the seasons and the changing of her new friends failing health. It is beautifully done.
The Neighborhood Surprise by Sarah Van Dongen- This new release is a heartwarming book with a beautiful focus on community as a neighborhood comes together to throw a going away party for their beloved, elderly neighbor Mrs. Figg. It shows the neighbors cooking thoughtful dishes (such as vegan dishes for their vegan neighbors) and is simply lovely.
What Grew in Larry’s Garden by Laura Alary and Kass Reich- This book is based on the story of an actual gardener who grew not only vegetables in his thriving, urban garden, but he also grew opportunities for kindness, gratitude and friendship. It really is an inspiring story.
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