AWIN Moving is a pretty big life change, especially for young children. It involves changes with friendships, comfort zones, sometimes family relationships, familiar surroundings, sometimes school environments and so much more. It can be hard for children to transition during moves and it can be hard for them to say goodbye to the parts where goodbyes are necessary. Then, in their new home it can be hard to embrace the new and be brave enough to start again. However, changes like moves can also be the most wonderful adventures, the most needed reset and can have wonderful rewards. The following book list is a list of some of our favorite picture books that are all about moving. Some focus on leaving something loved behind, some on embracing the new after a move and some even focus on holding on to relationships or finding new ones. There is so much addressed in these books in the most beautiful ways.
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The Balcony by Melissa Castrillon- This gorgeous book is nearly wordless as it tells the story of a young girl who plants a garden on her new, city balcony and how it helps her connect to the world and people around her as well as feel at home in her new environment.
Zola’s Elephant by Randall de Sève and Pamela Zagarenski- A stunning book! I love how beautifully emotion is conveyed through the text and illustration. Also, the display of human nature shown is so insightful and thought-provoking. It focuses on making new friends.
I Dream of Popo by Livia Blackburne and Julia Ku – In this story a young girl and her family emigrate from Taiwan. The girl misses her Popo (grandmother) dearly, but still stays connected through their love, brief visits, and the memories they share.
Mabel and Sam at Home by Linda Urban and Hadley Hooper- In this story brother and sister Mabel and Sam take advantage of all of the moving boxes in their home to have a little imaginative fun.
Paper Planes by Jim Helmore and Richard Jones- This is the story of two friends who love spending time together and how hard it is when one moves away and what they do to stay connected.
Carmen and the House That Gaudí Built by Susan Hughes and Marianne Ferrer- This book mixes fact and fiction as it tells the story about a young girl named Carmen Batlos and how she is hesitant to move from her country home to the city. Spanish architect Gaudi designs their new home and is inspired by nature and Carmen finds the transition easier because of it.
Cherry Blossom and Paper Planes by Jef Aerts and Sanne te Loo-Two friends in the country love spending time together in the cherry orchard until one day one of them needs to move away to the city. When they are separated they find a way to stay connected and keep their friendship alive.
Life Without Nico by Francisco Javier Olea- This is the sweet story of two best friends who love spending time together and how they do everything together. However, one day Nico has to move away for an extended time with his family. Maia is sad and lonely without him, but after time she learns to find joy again and even makes a new friend. When Nico does return Maia learns that she still has room in her heart for him and that “there are some things that time cannot change”.
The Snow Lion by Jim Helmore and Richard Jones- When the young girl in this story moves to her new home she is having a hard time adjusting and has an imaginary lion friend she creates to keep her company. However, as she eventually reaches out and makes new friends she doesn’t need her snow lion so much anymore.
Sunday Rain by Rosie J. Pova and Amariah Rauscher- In this story it is playing outside in the rain that helps a young child who has newly moved into a neighborhood make friends.
Finding Home by Esteli Meza- In this story our protagonist must start a search for a new home. He is sad and spends a little time mourning the loss of the old, however when he finds a new home he also makes friends and discovers the joy of the new.
Evelyn Del Rey Is Moving Away by Meg Medina and Sonia Sanchez- This story highlights the process of packing-up to move and saying goodbye between two best friends. It is sweet and heartfelt.
Ten Beautiful Things by Molly Griffin and Maribel Lechuga- In this story a child is moving to their grandmother’s house and is feeling nervous and unhappy about it, despite having a wonderful grandmother. The grandmother makes a game where they look for the beautiful along the way and it helps the child with the transition. It’s sweet and lovely. So good
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