The Winter season is packed with so many fun holidays that are celebrated all around the world. This list is meant to feature some of our favorite books that highlight a bunch of them. Even though our family doesn’t celebrate all of these holidays, I enjoy teaching about them to my children. We are all part of one, big, global family and I think it is important for my children to understand that other people have other ways of living and celebrating so that they can appreciate them better as well as better empathize with those around them. There are so many similarities as well as differences we have with those around us and both the similarities as well as the differences are beautiful.
Ruby’s Chinese New Year by Vickie Lee and Joey Chou – Each of the 12 zodiac animals are featured in this book as they help a little girl named Ruby deliver a card to her grandmother for Chinese New Year. Such a fun and playful one.
All-of-a-Kind Family Hanukkah by Emily Jenkins and Paul O. Zelinsky- The story of a jewish immigrant family celebrating the first day of Hanukkah. Such a beautiful book and story!
The Shortest Day by Susan Cooper and Carson Ellis- This book features the celebrations and traditions surrounding the Winter Solstice and the shortest day of the year. Love it!
Freedom Soup by Tami Charles and Jacqueline Alcántara- This story features the Haitian new year and is great at explaining a little of it’s background as well as how it can be celebrated today.
This First Christmas Night by Laura Godwin and William Low- This book features the Nativity story and the birth of Jesus Christ which is the center of Christmas for many Christians around the world. It has gorgeous illustrations too.
The Night Before Christmas by Cottage Door Press , Clement Clarke Moore and Sara Gianassi – This is one of my favorite editions of the famous “Night Before Christmas” poem which is great at explaining Santa Claus and the tradition of him coming Christmas Eve.
How to Catch a Dragon by Adam Wallace and Andy Elkerton- This book briefly covers different aspects of Chinese New Year Celebrations and beliefs and is extra appealing to kids with it’s simple text and bold colors.
I Have a Dream (Book & CD) by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Kadir Nelson- This book is an illustrated edition of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous and impactful speech. It is an incredible tribute to his work and words. Perfect for February which is “Black History Month.”
We Three Kings by Gennady Spirin- I picked this one for Three Kings Day because it focuses on the three kings from the nativity story and their journey to find the new king Jesus Christ.
A Kwanzaa Celebration Pop-Up Book : CELEBRATING THE HOLIDAY WITH NEW TRADITIONS AND FEASTS by Nancy Williams and Robert Sabuda- This pop-up book is actually quite informative about the holiday of Kwanzaa and has such fun and bright illustrations. Plus, I’m a big fan of Sabuda’s pop-up work.
Mardi Gras (Story of Our Holidays) by Joanna Ponto- This nonfiction book is packed with information about the history of Mardi Gras and how it is celebrated. It features actual photography and is very informative.
Let the Children March by Monica Clark-Robinson and Frank Morrison- Another great one for “Black History Month”. It tells the story of the children who marched for equal rights in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963.
Mirabel’s Missing Valentines by Janet Lawler and Olivia Chin Mueller- This is one of the sweetest books that is perfect for celebrating Valentine’s Day. In it our protagonist is off to deliver Valentine’s to those who appreciates.
Bisa’s Carnaval by Joana Pastro and Carolina Coroa- This book is a fun, brief introduction to the celebration of Carnaval. It tells of how a young girl makes preparations with her grandmother, but doesn’t feel right marching in the parade without her, so she brings the celebration home to her grandmother so they can all celebrate together. It is a sweet and happy book that is full of color and fun.
Shaking Things Up: 14 Young Women Who Changed the World by Susan Hood , Sophie Blackall and Emily Winfield Martin- This one I picked for “Women’s History Month” which is March. It features 14 young women who changed the world and is fascinating.
Friends Are Friends, Forever by by Dane Liu and Lynn Scurfield- This gorgeous book is one that beautifully features Chinese New Year traditions as well as the bonds of friendship both old and new when a young girl moves to America leaving friends behind and makes a new one to share traditions with. There is even instructions for a traditional Chinese New Year paper craft at the end.
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