The ocean is a pretty big part of our beautiful planet. We’re talking takes up the majority of the earth’s surface and life as we know it wouldn’t be possible without it kind of important. It is also a popular and wonderful recreational place to visit. Swimming, playing on the beach, and exploring it’s shores as well as depths is so rewarding and fascinating. That is why we are sharing a whole list of picture books that feature the awesomeness that is the ocean.

This selection includes both fiction and nonfictional books. The fictional books focus mainly on enjoying the beach and ocean (as well as all the wonder it holds) and the nonfiction books focus on educating children about the creatures that live there as well as our responsibility to care for the ocean. I believe that a balanced approach to environmentalism that includes both books that educate as well as books that celebrate can help children gain a greater appreciation for Mother Nature as well as help them foster a desire to care for her. We hope these books help with both.
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Jules vs. the Ocean by Jessie Sima- In this book Jules is determined to build a sandcastle, but it seems that the ocean is determined to wash it away. However, having her sister there is a game changer and I love the sweet turn of events things take.
Sandcastle by Einat Tsarfati -This one tells the story of a young girl who makes a sandcastle big enough for friends from all over the world to join her inside where everything is made of sand and is one big party. That is, until the tide comes in…
It Is Not Perfect (You Are Not Small) by Anna Kang and Christopher Weyant- In this story two fuzzy creatures learn the meaning of “perfection” in terms of feeling fulfilled as they attempt to build the “perfect” sandcastle. It is witty and fun with a great message.
Little Whale Jo Weaver- This is an educational little story about a baby whale in the wide ocean. It has a nonfiction as well as a bit of a classic feel to it. I love the soothing and simple color palette.
A Day at the Seashore (Little Golden Book) by Kathryn Jackson, Byron Jackson and Corinne Malvern- This little classic follows two young children and a day they spend at the seashore. It is dated in some ways, yet that lends to the charm and even timelessness of it.
Not Quite Narwhal by Jessie Sima- This is the darling story of a unicorn who is raised with narwhals and believes themselves to be one until one day they come across unicorns. When faced with the truth this little unicorn knows that both worlds can be embraced and love knows no boundries.
The Mermaid’s Shoes by Sanne Te Loo- In this story a little girl has a wonderful time at the beach, but when she goes home she can’t get the beach and mermaids off her mind. Using some flippers she creates her own mermaid tail and finds a way to make her mermaid dreams come true. I LOVE this one!
Down Under the Pier byby Nell Cross Beckerman and Rachell Sumpter- This book is wonderful! It’s beautifully written text celebrates the simple wonders and delights that piers offer. (Especially in the evening at low tide.)
The Quiet Crocodile Goes to the Beach by by Natacha Andriamirado and Delphine Renon- In this playful story Crocodile is at the beach with his friends, but he is nervous about getting in the water. With a little encouragement he takes the plunge and has a wonderful time.
Deep Underwater by Irene Luxbacher- This is a richly illustrated and written story about a young girl who imagines what it might be like to swim to the depths of the ocean and even be a mermaid. It has a much more serious, sophisticated and even heavy feel to it and is absolutely beautiful.
Can We Go to the Sea? by by Hiroyuki Arai and Yukiko Kobayashi- This book features the two most adorable mice and their journey to the sea in a “hat boat”. It is incredibly darling and we love it.
Stories in a Seashell by Alex Nogues Otero and Silvia Cabestany- This imaginative little book dreams up all the fascinating and incredible things you could possibly hear in a seashell in addition to the idea that you can “hear the ocean” when you listen inside.
Alba and the Ocean Cleanup by Lara Hawthorne- This story is about a fish named Alba who watches the effects of human trash as it starts to destroy her coral reef home, until one little girl gathers her community together to make a difference and clean things up.
Lula and the Sea Monster by Alex Latimer- This lovely book is about a little girl who finds and cares for a tiny octopus who grows up to be humongous and repays the favor by helping to protect the little girl’s home. Definitely a good one that makes a nice metaphor for taking care of the ocean.
Gus and the Greatest Catch of All by Victoria Cossack- This quirky new release is such a fun little story with a light focus on the value of friendship and all it has to offer. It is the fictional tale of a man named Gus who heads out to catch a boat full of fish and is surprised to end-up “catching” some friendship instead.
Izzy and Frank by Katrina Lehman and Sophie Beer- This charming story features a young girl who moves from her lighthouse home by the ocean to a big city where she feels out of place until her seagull friend Frank comes and helps her make friends. This one is easy to love.
The Little Blue Cottage by Kelly Jordan and Jessica Courtney-Tickle- This lovely new release features a little girl and a beloved seaside cottage that is a part of her life and heart. It personifies the cottage as returning love and affection for the young girl as the two share memories and a fulfilled life.
Mermaid Dreams by Kate Pugsley- In this fun mermaid tale a little girl goes to the beach with her parents and pretends that she is a mermaid. In so doing she even makes a new friend who happens to love to pretend to be a mermaid too. So sweet and so well done.
Yellow Kayak by Melissa Castrillion- This simple and sweet book features a small boy and a ride in his kayak. The mystic feel in the way it is written and the illustrations lead me to believe that it is portraying the journey in the boat as it is in the eyes and heart of the little boy’s imagination. Probably they just floated along for an hour or two, but to the little boy it was a trip that entailed friendly octopuses and adventures galore.
Obsessive About Octopuses (About Animals) by Owen Davey- This nonfiction book features many different types of octopuses and fascinating information about them. My oldest is enthralled with it!
The Big Book of the Blue (The Big Book Series) by Yuval Zommer- This huge book features many different sea creatures and facts about them. The illustrations are incredible and the design is very engaging. An excellent reference book to be sure!
Boats on the Bay by Walker Harvey and Grady McFerris- This beautifully designed books features many of the different boats that you can find in a bay. Perfect for vehicle and seafaring loving children alike!
Swimming with Sharks: The Daring Discoveries of Eugenie Clark by Heather Long and Joedi Sulano- This book features the life work of Eugenie Clark and se broadened our understanding on the fascinating nature of sharks. It is fascinating!
The Brilliant Deep: Rebuilding the World’s Coral Reefs: The Story of Ken Nedimyer and the Coral Restoration Foundation by Kate Messner and Matthew Forsythe- This nonfiction, picture book biography teaches us about the story of Ken Nedimyer an this work to protect and restore the coral reefs. I love the incredible illustrations as well as the focus of the story. An inspiring one for children!
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