“The Story of the Leprechaun” by Katherine Teen and Sally Anne Lambert This charming little book is perfect for introducing leprechauns and the folklore involving them to children! It tells the story of a leprechaun who makes shoes for people and fairies (of course!) and why he decided to hide his gold at the end of…

DIY Leprechaun Masks Inspired by “The Story of the Leprechaun”

Heart Animal Craft Inspired By “My Heart is Like a Zoo”
“My Heart is Like a Zoo” by Michael Hall This bright and bold book is tons of fun. Each page features an illustration of animal that is made entirely, or almost entirely, from hearts. Along with the illustration is a simile statement about the many emotions that we can feel in our hearts. It would…

Leaf Collage Sun Catchers Inspired by “A Pile of Leaves”
“A Pile of Leaves” by Jason Fulford and Tamara Shopsin This board book is one that feels extra special the moment you open it and realize what it is. The format is innovative in that each page is transparent with one or more silhouettes of leaves or items. The effect of all the transparent collages…

DIY Skeleton Craft/Treat Inspired by “Skelly’s Halloween”
“Skelly’s Halloween” by Davit Martin and Lori Richmond Skelly is a skeleton who absolutely loves Halloween. This year he has decided to go as a ghost, but there is just one problem. His costume billows him up into the wind and when he falls he is broken apart. Different animals try to put him together…

Paper Plate Jack-O-Lantern Sun Catchers Inspired by “Stumpkin”
“Stumpkin” by Ruth Cummins Stumpkin is a pumpkin who is missing his stem and is worried that because of it he won’t be picked at the pumpkin stand by someone to become a jack-o-lantern. Things look pretty bleak for a bit, but the happy resolution is purely delightful. The illustrations have a limited color palette…

“Ice Cream Men” Snacks Inspired by “Mission Defrostable”
“Mission Defrostable (Lady Pancake and Sir French Toast)” There’s trouble in the refrigerator. BIG trouble! Things are getting extra frosty as the temperature’s plum it and they need a hero to warm things back up again before they all freeze. Of course Sir French Toast and Lady Pancake are the ones for the job and…

Wing Mural Collage Inspired by “Perfectly Norman”
“Perfectly Norman” by Tom Percival Norman was perfectly normal until the day that he suddenly grew wings. At first, he absolutely loved them, but then he was worried what others would think and decided to hide them under coats. Hiding them made him miserable until he finally had the courage to let them out and…

Stick Person Craft inspired by “Twig”
“Twig” by Aura Parker It is the first day of bug school and Heidi is a brand new student. Bug school turns out to be a wonderful place with friendly bugs and fun projects, but there is just one problem. Because Heidi is a stick bug her camouflage is too good and she finds herself…

Watermelon Suncatcher Craft inspired by “The Watermelon Seed”
“The Watermelon Seed” by Greg Pizzoli Chances are you have heard the joke that you can’t swallow a watermelon seed because if you do then a watermelon will grow in your stomach. Well, this is an entire picture book based off of that classic joke. It features an alligator who simply loves to eat watermelon….

Popsicle Craft inspired by “The Little Ice Cream Truck”
“The Little Ice Cream Truck” by Margery Coyler and Bob Kolan To me ice cream trucks are a symbol of happiness. I cannot hear one, or even think about one, without the corners of my mouth turning up. When I was a child we had one that would come around every summer and it was…

Abstract “Emotion” Painting inspired by “I Feel Teal”
“I Feel Teal” by Lauren Rille and Aimee Sicuro I find it fascinating how psychologically different colors match better with different emotions, don’t you? This is a book that celebrates the many different emotions we feel through color association. My favorite part about color association with emotions for kids is that it gives them a…

Paper Floral Crown Craft Inspired by “Backyard Fairies”
“Backyard Fairies” by Phoebe Wahl This story is an absolute must for fairy fans!! We adore it over here. It tells the story of a little girl who believes in fairies and wants so badly to see them. She sees evidence of them all around her such as waking up to find braids in her…

Goldfish Bowl Craft inspired by “Goldfish on Vacation”
“Goldfish on Vacation” by Sally Lloyd-Jones and Leo Espinosa This sweet story is one of the cutest stories about goldfish that I have ever read. It features three children and their three pet goldfish whom they love. When summer vacation draws near they feel bad that their fish are stuck in their bowl rather than…

Sock Puppet Craft Inspired by “Wild”
“Wild” by Emily Hughes Isn’t that one of the most eye-catching, fabulous covers you have ever seen?! (swoon!) The endpapers inside are just as stunning and y’all know I love me some good endpapers! The story is about a little girl who is raised by animals in the wild and is complety delighted by it….

A House That Once Was
“A House That Once Was” by Julie Fogliano and Lane Smith When you see old or abandoned properties do you ever wonder what there history is? Every home has a story to tell and abandoned ones are sure to carry some fascinating ones. This is the story of some children who explore an old and…

Block Craft Inspired by “Square”
“Square” by Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen We loved “Triangle” so much that I was so excited to read Square and could hardly wait to get ahold of it. It is every bit as clever and witty as its predecessor and I love it! In this story square is going about his daily task of…

Dragonfly Craft inspired by “There’s A Tiger In The Garden”
“There’s A Tiger In The Garden” by Lizzy Stewart This is a beautiful new book that has completely won over my heart. It is about the power of imagination, the magic of childhood, and the importance of play. It starts with a little girl who is bored and her grandmother recommends that she go play…

DIY Rainclouds and “Ivy and the Lonely Raincloud”
“Ivy and the Lonely Raincloud” by Katie Harnett With her previous books of “Archie Snufflekins Oliver Valentine Cupcake Tiberous” and now this one Katie is fast becoming a personal favorite of mine. I just adore everything about this book from the gorgeous color palatte, to the personality-filled characters, to the endearing story that pulls…

Paper Plate “Nature Lion” Craft Inspired By “In the Woods”
“In the Woods” by Thereza Rowe This beautiful new book holds three mini stories that are all interconnected with the same group of characters and the same theme. In each story there is a problem to be solved and a friend in need. In one, Horse wants to be a unicorn. In another, lion has…

Spider Web Craft and “The Weaver”
“The Weaver” by Qian Shi Stanley is an adorable spider who has a big appreciation for beautiful nature finds. He is a great collector and initially tries to display and save his collection of treasures in his sticky web. However, the wind and rain wash away his collection and Stanley has to be innovative to…

Flower Girl Craft Inspired by “Poppy, Bluebell, Buttercup and Dandy”
“Poppy, Buttercup, Bluebell and Dandy” by Fiona Woodcock I just adore Fiona’s work so I have been anticipating the release of this book for a while now. Boy did it live up to my expectations! It is about a group of flower friends that possess the power to spread nature’s beauty everywhere they go. In…

Nature Art Inspired by “Drawn from Nature”
“Drawn from Nature” by Helen Ahpornisiri It’s another nonfiction beauty! Only this one has a very special and unique twist. All the illustrations inside are collages made completely from pressed plants and bits of nature. Each one is so intricate that it had me doing a double take to inspect each delicate little detail. It…

Flower Girl Art With Free Printable Inspired by “Bloom”
“Bloom: A Story of Fashion Designer Elsa Shiaparelli” by Kyo Maclear and Julie Morstad This is a gorgeously written and illustrated, nonfiction book about the life of fashion designer Elsa Shiparelli. It follows her from her childhood where she felt like she wasn’t beautiful to when she was a celebrated designer setting trends that would…

Dr Seuss “Wocket in Pocket” Inspired Craft
“There’s a Wocket in my Pocket!” by Dr. Seuss One of our favorite things about Dr. Suess is his his ginormous imagination and the silly and fun imaginary creatures that he creates. Each one is completly unique and their wonky names and characteristics make them so endearing. This book in particular is one of…

Rock Animal Craft inspired by “Petra”
“Petra” by Marianna Coppo This is the story of a rock named Petra with an imagination as big as the sky and optimism enough to fill the ocean. I instantly fell in love with her when I saw the cover and when I read her story that love grew. She started out thinking she was…

DIY Peek-A-Boo Mole with “Morris Mole”
“Morris Mole” by Dan Yaccarino Sometimes small children may feel that they cannot do big things. Often they get told that they are “too small” to do something and often they may feel overwhelmed by large tasks. They may even feel like they are overlooked sometimes and perhaps not listened to as much. That is…

DIY “Bad Mood Clouds” Inspired by “The Bad Mood and The Stick”
“The Bad Mood and The Stick” by Lemony Snicket and Matthew Forsythe This book is a bunch of fun! It tells two parallel tales, one of a stick and one of a bad mood, that cross paths. Each one goes through a series of events that almost seem arbitrary and each one has a different…

Process Art Inspired by “Lines”
“Lines” by Suzy Lee You guys, this book is beautiful! It is a wordless picture books and it is one that is so perfect, simple and delicate in design that it is simply breathtaking. It starts with a cover that is gorgeous and serene. Perfect for setting the stage. The interior is an celebration of…

DIY Haunted House Inspired by “Ghosts in the House”
This little Halloween book could not be any cuter. It introduces you to a young girl and a cat who move into a new house only to find that it is inhabited by many friendly ghosts. However, that is only to the young girl’s delight as she is actually a witch! She goes about using…

Adorable Ghost Craft Inspired by “The Scariest Book Ever”
*this post contains affiliate links “The Scariest Book Ever” by Bob Shea This book is a real hoot, especially as a read-aloud. It is an interactive story in that the main character in the story (a fearful, yet likable ghost) talks directly to you, the reader. He is afraid of the woods outside his house…

Louise Inspired Book Character Costume
This post is sponsored by Primary Clothing and Harper Collins and includes affiliate links. I have seen book character inspired costumes floating around on Pinterest and the internet for awhile now and I love them all! Children love dressing like their favorite heroes and why shouldn’t fictional book characters be included? So, when I was…

DIY “Doll Doctor” Pretend Play Dr Kits Inspired by “The Doll Hospital”
“The Doll Hospital” by Kallie George and Sara Gillingham Pegs is a doll doctor at the doll hospital. When dolls need her services they ring her service bell and out she comes ready to assist. In this story her day starts slow and then soon patient after patient comes to get help. One needs help…

DIY Nature Walk Collection Bags Inspired by “Tiny, Perfect Things”
“Tiny, Perfect Things” by M. H. Clark and Madeline Kloepper This is the sweetest book ever! It follows a little girl and her grandfather as they go on a walk outside together. Along they way they stop to appreciate many different “tiny, perfect things” such as an intricately spun spider’s web. Two things really stood out…

Flower Petal Fairy Stew Inspired by “A Fairy Friend”
“A Fairy Friend” by Sue Fliess and Claire Keane This book is positively delightful! It is all about a little girl who is out on a quest to find a fairy friend or two. In her efforts she cooks them some flower petal stew, makes a fairy home complete with walnut shell swings and waits…

Planting Seeds Book Activity with “Florette”
“Florette” by Anna Walker When Mae’s family moves from the country to the city Mae misses her garden terribly. She tries to recreate it with chalk drawings and stacks of boxes but it just isn’t the same. However, when she runs across the Florette she finds a small bit of plant that she is able…

Idea Jars For Writing Inspired by “Idea Jar”
“Idea Jar” by Adam Lehrhaupt and Deb Pilutti This is the darling story of a teacher’s “idea jar” that her students use for writing their stories. The real fun is that the ideas “take on a life of their own” and are personified as the various characters they represent. They then continue to help the…

Heritage Bag Activity and “Islandborn”
Where we are from matters. Not because some places are better than others, because that obviously isn’t true, but because where we are from is a part of us. The loved ones who came before us created a legacy that they passed on and learning about them and their story means discovering a little bit…

“Fort Building Time” and Fort Building
“Fort Building Time” by Megan Wagner Lloyd and Abigail Halpin Some of my most magical memories as a child are time spent building and playing in forts. There was the “stick fort” we had at our family cabin in the mountains, our “hobbit hole” hole fort in the Hollow (true story!), our “tree fort” in…

DIY “Holi Festival” Powder and “Festival of Colors” Book
“Festival of Colors” by Kabir Sehgal, Surishtha Sehgal and Vashi Harrison I love the truth that through books you can travel around the world and even experience the impossible. It’s a form of magic that you can’t quite get in any other way. One of my favorite magical experiences that books provide is for my…

The “What Do You Do With” Series and Journaling Sheets
The “What Do You Do With” Series by Kobi Yamada and Mae Besom This little trio of books has become one of my favorites. Each one tackles an abstract concept in the form of a beautiful metaphor. The genius of using a metaphor is that these books are simple enough for children to understand even though…

“365 Penguins” and A New Year’s Resolution Activity
“365 Penguins” by Jean-Luc Fromental and Joelle Jolivet What if starting on January first you received one penguin in the mail every single day? I mean every.single.day. Like, 365 penguins by December 31st?! In reality, I would probably feel distressed. However, in the fictional world of fun and possibilities it sounds like one of the…

“What Do You Do With a Chance?”
“What Do You Do With a Chance?” by Kobi Yamada and Mac Besom This book is the long awaited finale to the beloved trilogy by Kobi. We loved the first two “What Do You Do With an Idea?” and “What Do You Do With a Problem?” so much that I simply couldn’t wait to get…

Ghost Hide-and-Seek Game inspired by “No Such Thing”
“No Such Thing” by Ella Bailey Halloween is for pumpkins and candy and costumes and, most definitely, halloween books. This one has been on repeat at our house and it’s not hard to see why. It is beautiful and fun and not the least bit scary. It is about a little girl who notices that…

“Word Play” and a Compound Word Activity
“Word Play” by Ivan Brunetti This is a fun little book that is perfect for introducing compound words. It starts with a little girl at school as their teacher explains what a compound word is and then assigns them to make a list of compound words for homework. On the way home the little girl…

“She Persisted” with Mini Biography Activity Idea
“She Persisted: 13 American Women Who Changed the World” by Chelsea Clinton and Alexandra Boiger This book is beautiful and oh-so-needed! It is the perfect book to empower young ladies all over and give them the courage to fight for their dreams through the wonderful examples of strong women that have come before them. It is…

“Back to School with Mac” and a Fun Tradition Idea
This post is done in partnership with Little Pumpkin Press “Back to School With Mac” by Kim DiLoreto and Alvina Kwong and Tradition We are in love with Mac! He is a little stuffed apple friend that shows up in your home every year at the very end of summer. When he visits his main…

“I Know Numbers!” with Scavenger Hunt Activity
“I Know Numbers!” by Taro Gomi Perhaps my favorite thing about Taro’s work is that his illustrations are so simple, and yet so striking. The colors are bold, the lines are clean, and each one is so much fun to look at. This is one of his newest releases and the focus is all on…

Float and Sink STEM Activity Inspired by “Sea Monkey and Bob”
“Sea Monkey and Bob” by Aaron Reynolds and Debbie Ridpath Ohi This is the story of two friends who each have their own fears that seem to plague them. Sea Monkey is afraid of sinking down to the bottom of the ocean and Bob is horribly afraid of floating to the surface of the ocean….

“Baloney (Henry P.)” and Inferring/Decoding Activity with Free Printable
“Baloney (Henry P.)” by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith Henry is an alien from another planet who goes to school just like the earthlings on our planet. He also struggles with a similar problem: tardiness. However, he is also blessed with a vivid imagination and this story is one that he creates to tell…

“The House of Four Seasons” with Color Exploration Activity and Free Printable
“The House of Four Seasons” by Roger Duvoisin This book was originally published in the 1950’s and this recent, new edition from The New York Review is absolutely beautiful. It contains all the charm of the 50’s and Duvoisin’s illustrations are simply delightful. It is the story of a family who moves into a…

“Over and Under the Pond” with DIY Pond Sensory Bin
“Over and Under the Pond” by Kate Messner and Christopher Silas Neal These books are SO good! We loved “Over and Under the Snow” and “Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt” so much that I knew I just and to check out this latest edition. I was thrilled to find that it is…

“If I had a Little Dream” and Poetry Activity/Free Printable
“If I had a Little Dream” by Nina Laden and Melissa Castrillon “Oh the beauty that is this book!” And again for emphasis, “Oh the beauty that is this book!” It is one of those books that is so beautiful I almost gasped out loud the first time I saw it. Each and every page…

Three “Chick Counting” Activities with Free Printables
I recently shared three new books and a wonderful beginners board game that center around counting chicks/chickens in my enthusiasm for spring. However, I loved the idea of spring counting so much that I thought it would be a great idea to extend that to include a simple counting activity inspired by each book. That…

Fairytales and Shadow Puppet Play
“The Princess Who had No Kingdom” by Ursula Jones and Sarah Gibb, “Rapunzel” by Sarah Gibb, “Beauty and the Beast” by Ursula Jones and Sarah Gibb When it comes to picture book fairytales one of my favorite illustrators is Sarah Gibbs. Her style is delicate, intricate, and lacy. I love all the tiny details she…

Delightfully Spooky Books and Indoor Camp-Out Activity
There is something about the idea of a campfire and spooky stories that just sounds so thrilling and inviting, don’t you think? I have many memories of camping where we gathered around the campfire to roast marshmallows and exchange stories. Even though I am a bit of a scardy-cat, the idea and memories are still…

“Cat’s Colors” and Companion Activity to Learn Colors
“Cat’s Colors” by Airlie Anderson It’s a grey and dreary day so white cat decides to head out in search of some colors. During her search each time she sees a pretty new color she “collects” it and it appears as a lovely new spot on her fur coat until she ends-up with a rainbow…

“Spread Love” Random Acts of Kindness Challenge
My husband and I are coming up on our seven year anniversary and I couldn’t be happier. My time with him has been the happiest and most fulfilling of my life and I am so excited to continue our adventure together. When I fell in love with him it was the type of love that…

“Lucky Lazlo” and Caravan Shoppe Puppet Theater
“Lucky Lazlo” by Steve Light This is the sweet story about childhood love and a little boy who wants to give a rose to his sweetheart who is performing in the local production of Alice in Wonderland. However, a cat snatches his rose and a chase ensues through the theater. The illustrations are modern with…

“Rabbit Magic” and DIY Magician’s Hat and Wand
“Rabbit Magic” and DIY Magician’s Hat and Wand This book is a book that is filled with fun. The illustrations are filled with adorable bunnies and fantastic expressions all drawn-up in attractive colors. The story itself is pretty great too. It is about a rabbit who is a magicians assistant and is very good at…

The Christmas Star from Afar
“The Christms Star From Afar” by Natalie Ard and Nativity with Chrsitmas Tradition This year my toddler is 3 years old and he is understanding Christmas better than ever and it is making the holidays so much more magical. It is my favorite time of year and I am thrilled that it is his as…

10 Easy Halloween Book and Snack Pairings
We LOVE Halloween books and we LOVE food over here so pairing together books and snacks just feels like such a natural combination for us! In fact, whenever I read new books and it mentions food or a treat that sounds yummy, I instantly want to eat it while reading the story. Anyone else? Below…

12 Easy and Fun Story Time Snack Ideas for Kids
Story times are pretty great on their own. Who doesn’t love cuddling up with a good book to read. However, add a snack and you raise it to a whole new level. It becomes an “experience” and can feel super special for children. And the best part is that the snack can be really quick…

Chocolate Chip & Pecan Cookies with “The Duckling Gets a Cookie”
“The Duckling Gets a Cookie!?” by Mo Willems This is one of the most read books in our home. Hands-down, no-dispute-about-it. We adore it and I can explain why with two words: pigeon and cookie. We are obsessed with Mo Willems entire Pigeon series and we love this books just as much as we love…

“Googly Eye” Chocolate Chip Cookies Inspired by “Angry Cookie”
“Angry Cookie” by Laura Dockrill and Maria Karipidou Books that help children with emotional awareness and dealing with big emotions are golden in my eyes and this book is a perfect specimen. It addresses the emotion of anger for children in such a light-hearted, yet effective, way. It tells the story of a cookie who wakes up feeling…

Petite Seashell Cakes inspired by “Crab Cake”
“Crab Cake: Turning the Tide Together” by Andrea Tsurumi Every fish and creature in the sea seems to have a purpose or a task to fulfill and crab’s is baking cakes. It’s simply what he does. He seems to take joy in baking and sharing his delicacies with his ocean friends. However, one day disaster…

Chocolate Almond Flies Inspired by “The Valentine Bears”
“The Valentine Bears” by Eve Bunting and Jan Brett This is the sweetest little Valentine’s Day book! It is the story of Mrs Bear and Mr Bear have never celebrated Valentine’s Day together because of their hibernation. However, Mrs Bear is determined that this Valentine’s Day will be different. She wakes up in February to get a little…

Red Velvet Cut-Out Cookies Inspired by “Delivery”
“Delivery” by Aaron Meshon This is a nearly wordless picture book that is filled with so much heart! It starts when an elderly lady looks at the calendar and notices that Valentine’s Day is just days away. She quickly bakes some heart cookies and then sends them off with the post to deliver to a…

DIY Skeleton Craft/Treat Inspired by “Skelly’s Halloween”
“Skelly’s Halloween” by Davit Martin and Lori Richmond Skelly is a skeleton who absolutely loves Halloween. This year he has decided to go as a ghost, but there is just one problem. His costume billows him up into the wind and when he falls he is broken apart. Different animals try to put him together…

“Potion of Power” Punch Inspired By “Super Slug of Doom”
“Super Slug of Doom: A Super Happy Magic Forest Story” by Matty Long The Super Happy Magic Forest is in jeopardy when Blossom the unicorn accidentally frees the Super Slug of Doom from his hidden prison. Once freed he heads out to claim the Potion of Power. Therefore it is up to her and her…

“Ice Cream Men” Snacks Inspired by “Mission Defrostable”
“Mission Defrostable (Lady Pancake and Sir French Toast)” There’s trouble in the refrigerator. BIG trouble! Things are getting extra frosty as the temperature’s plum it and they need a hero to warm things back up again before they all freeze. Of course Sir French Toast and Lady Pancake are the ones for the job and…

Apple Cake Inspired by “Good Morning Neighbor”
“Good Morning, Neighbor” Mouse decides one morning that he wants to bake an omelet, however he needs to borrow some eggs. He heads to his neighbor and he doesn’t have eggs, but he has another ingredient to contribute. So off they go to ask another neighbor and the results are similar so the pattern continues…

Kid Friendly, 2 Ingredient, Mini Apple Pies Inspired by “Hungry Bunny”
“Hungry Bunny” by Claudia Rueda This cute little fellah is back! Do you remember him from “Bunny Slopes”? If you don’t run and check that one out right away! “Bunny Slopes” is an interactive book where you help him ski and in this sequel it is apple season and you help him pick and deliver…

“Bagel in Love” with Snack Idea
“Bagel In Love” by Natasha Wing and Helen Dardik We are major “sweet tooth” people over here. Cupcakes, brownies, ice cream, chocolate, we love it all. That might be why we have a bit of an affinity to books like this one that feature tasty treats. Plus, illustrations that look as adorable as icing decorations…

Spider Sundaes Inspired by “Zombelina”
“Zombelina” by Kristyn Crow and Molly Idle This book is positively delightful! It is a story that celebrates differences and allows us the opportunity to embrace the unusual. Zombelina is your average zombie girl who has a flair for dancing. However, when her mom puts her in ballet class her human classmates don’t know quite…

Green “Bravery” Cookies inspired by “Edmond, the Thing”
“Edmond, the Thing” by Astrid Desbordes and Marc Boutavant Our favorite little pom-pom hat wearing squirrel is back and we couldn’t be happier! (Remember the pom-pom hats we made inspired by him here?) This time, instead of battling his shyness, Edmond is faced with learning about acceptance and inclusion. It all starts when one day…

“Mud” Tarts and “How To Make Friends With a Ghost”
“How to Make Friends with a Ghost” by Rebecca Green This book was one of my most anticipated releases for this year! I just adore Rebecca’s art style and the concept for this book really spoke to me. I mean, who wouldn’t want to make friends with an adorable ghost?! This book reads like a…

Mini Fruit Cakes and “The Case of the Stinky Stench”
“The Case of the Stinky Stench” by Josh Funk and Brendan Kearney Sir French Toast and Lady Pancake are back in this epic tale of the search for what is causing a horrific stinky stench in the land of the refrigerator. Sir French Toast’s nephew Inspector Croissant is on the job with them to solve…

Raspberry Rhubarb Tarts and “Under the Umbrella”
“Under the Umbrella” by Catherine Buquet and Marion Arbona This has got to be one of my favorite new releases this year! I adore everything about this book. The story is based on the principle of “spreading happiness” and although it is a message often illustrated in books, it is one that I will never get…

Green “Bug Juice” Smoothies and “If Your Monster Won’t Go to Bed”
“If Your Monster Won’t Go To Bed” by Denise Vega and Zachariah Ohora This book is fulfilling all my dreams of having a giant, rainbow striped, furry monster for a friend. Because who wouldn’t? Truly though, I am a HUGE fan of this book! It is written in the format of a little girl giving…

“Life on Mars” with Galaxy Cupcakes
“Life on Mars” by Jon Agee Doing something despite the odds and despite what the crowds of people around you say takes some real courage. That is what this little astronaut does when he heads out on a mission to Mars to prove his theory that there really is life there. Outfitted with nothing but…

“Everyone Loves Cupcake” inspired Cupcake Tutorial
“Everyone Loves Cupcake” by Kelly DiPucchio and Eric Wight Cupcake has a big personality and beloved by all the other food items she associates with. She is full of charm and confidence and seems to have everything going for her. However, Cupcake has a secret: she isn’t completely happy. She feels the pressure of having…

Dr Seuss Inspired “Truffula Fizz” Drinks
Recently I shared our love for this book along with a recipe for “schlopp” which was inspired by the illustration of it inside. However, while I was pouring over the illustration my eye kept going back to a beautiful drink that the waiter was carrying to two happy customers sitting at a cafe table under an…

Dr. Seuss inspired Truffula Tree Cupcakes
“The Lorax” was always a book that struck a chord with me as a child. I was a bit of a tomboy and had a deep love for trees. It is a love that I have carried with me my whole life. My favorite tree was a towering cherry tree in our yard that I…

“Oh the Thinks you Can Think” inspired Schlopp Recipe
There is just something about Dr. Seuss that is widely captivating and universally appealing, which yes, are basically the same thing. But it’s true! Actually, maybe it’s more than just one something because I can think of dozens of reasons why I love Dr. Seuss books. The read-aloud-grade rhyming, delicious made-up words, fantastic imaginary creatures,…

Chocolate Hazelnut Souffle inspired by “The Wish Tree”
“The Wish Tree” by Kyo Maclear and Chris Turnham I have been in love with this book ever since it came this last year. It is about a little boy who wants to find the magical wish tree so that he can make a very special wish. Along the way he makes a lot of…

“Winnie the Pooh” and Blackberry Honey Cupcakes
“Winnie the Pooh” by A.A Milne and E.H Shephard I have always thought Winnie the Pooh and his little clan looked like a jolly bunch, but to be honest they were never a big part of my childhood. I don’t really know why, most likely because we didn’t get the T.V channel with the show when…

“The Christmas Eve Tree” and Sugar and Spice “Tree” Cupcakes
“The Christmas Eve Tree” by Delia Huddy and Emily Sutton This book is a heartwarming story about a little Christmas tree who finds purpose and joy. It starts off as a tree much smaller than the other trees and is overlooked and under appreciated. Then one night a little homeless boy sees potential and beauty…

“Mr. Dog’s Christmas at the Hollow Tree Inn” and Mince Pies
“Mr. Dog’s Chrsitmas at the Hollow Tree Inn” by Albert Bigelow Paine and Adam McCauley This is a classic Christmas story written in 1898 and was recently restored with beautiful illustrations by McCauley that honor the old-time English feel of the story. It is the story of Mr. Dog and his woodland friends whom often…

“The Twelve Hats of Christmas” and Holiday Hat Cupcakes
“The 12 Hats of Christmas” by Brett O. Parson and Holly Parson Nielson We love Christmas books over here an awful lot. We love the ones about the magic of Santa and the beauty of snow, but often our favorite ones feature the spirit of Christmas and the joy of giving. These books really help…

“Almost a Full Moon” inspired Soup Recipe
“Let’s Make Some Soup Cause The Weather’s Turning Cold” “Almost a Full Moon” inspired Soup Recipe “Almost a Full Moon” by Hawksley Workman and Jensine Eckwall is a gorgeously illustrated book that is all about a grandmother and grandson who make some soup and invite everyone over to enjoy it with them. It is all…

10+ of Our Favorite Cat Books and Pretend Play Cat Costume
Ever since I was a child I have always been a HUGE cat fan, so I am so thrilled that my daughter is turning out to be one as well. She loves our pet cat and likes to “play cat” on occasion as well. Cats and dogs are pretty popular in the world of children…

“Hedgehugs” by Lucy Tapper and Steve Wilson Horace and Hattie are two hedgehogs that are the very best of friends and do everything together. Their days are pretty fantastic spent together, although they do have one ever-present problem. They can’t hug each other because they are too spiky. They proceed to try every solution that…

“Elwood Bigfoot: Wanted:Birdie Friends!” paired with Slumberkin Bigfoot
“Elwood Bigfoot: Wanted: Birdie Friends!” by Jill Esbaum and Nate Wragg Elwood is a friendly, giant Bigfoot who lives in the forest all by himself. He is perfect “friend material” however, he doesn’t have any. His one lament is that he is horribly lonely and his hearts biggest desire is to have some friends. Not…

Fairytales and Shadow Puppet Play
“The Princess Who had No Kingdom” by Ursula Jones and Sarah Gibb, “Rapunzel” by Sarah Gibb, “Beauty and the Beast” by Ursula Jones and Sarah Gibb When it comes to picture book fairytales one of my favorite illustrators is Sarah Gibbs. Her style is delicate, intricate, and lacy. I love all the tiny details she…

Delightfully Spooky Books and Indoor Camp-Out Activity
There is something about the idea of a campfire and spooky stories that just sounds so thrilling and inviting, don’t you think? I have many memories of camping where we gathered around the campfire to roast marshmallows and exchange stories. Even though I am a bit of a scardy-cat, the idea and memories are still…

Sibling Books and DIY Peg Doll Kit
“Little Big Girl” by Claire Keane and “We are Brothers, We are Friends” by Alexandra Penfold & Eda Kaban These are two new release picture books that focus purely, and beautifully, on sibling relationships. In “Little Big Girl” the focus is on a little girl starting a new relationship with a baby brother and in…

“A Dot in the Snow” and “Tiny Tales Arctic Adventure”
“A Dot in the Snow” by Corrinne Averiss and Fiona Woodcock This is one of the sweetest books that has come out this winter. It is the story of a little playful polar bear who heads out in search of a friend and soon finds a little eskimo girl. The two become instant playmates and…

Patrick Hruby Books and Memory Game
“Counting in the Garden” by Emily Hruby and Patrick Hruby & “ABC is for Circus” by Patrick Hruby Patrick Hruby’s style has definite flair and is the type of work that stands out in a sea of books and products. I love his modern illustrations and the neon vivid colors are eye popping when paired with…

“Snoozefest” paired with Slumberkin Sloth
“Snoozefest” by Samantha Berger and Kristyna Litten Gosh we are in love with this bedtime story and little sloth! It’s one of those books where you just want to squeal with delight at the cuteness on every page and one that your kids will have you begging and begging to read again because of the delicious writing….

Felt Cake Set with Books About Baking Cake
Felt Cake Set with Books About Baking Cake Obviously I have a bit of a passion for baking, especially cakes. In case you haven’t noticed cupcake recipes keep finding their way on this blog and it makes me so happy. Before I was simply baking goodies for my kiddos, but now my little guy is…

“Lucky Lazlo” and Caravan Shoppe Puppet Theater
“Lucky Lazlo” by Steve Light This is the sweet story about childhood love and a little boy who wants to give a rose to his sweetheart who is performing in the local production of Alice in Wonderland. However, a cat snatches his rose and a chase ensues through the theater. The illustrations are modern with…

“Animals” and Animal Parade A-Z Puzzle
“Animals” by Ingela Arrhenius This is a fun book that is absolutely GINORMOUS! Seriously, each page is poster size! Inside are beautiful, bright illustrations of animals along with their name. That’s it, there is no more text or information. Simple and beautiful which makes it great for the absolute youngest of readers who are just learning…

2016 “Beyond the Book” Toy Gift Guide
*This post contains affiliate links and a portion of these books/items were gifted to me in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Books are wonderful portals for children to have new adventures and experiences and make fantastic gifts. Here we like to celebrate books with “Beyond the Book” experiences…