The Winter season is packed with so many fun holidays that are celebrated all around the world. This list is meant to feature some of our favorite books that highlight a bunch of them. Even though our family doesn’t celebrate all of these holidays, I enjoy teaching about them to my children. We are all…
Seasonal & Holidays

15+ Books Featuring Winter Holidays

10+ New Christmas Picture Books (and Board Books) that are Fantastic!
It has been a wonderful year in the children’s literature world and the Christmas books are no exception! Below is a list of over ten books that are brand new and perfect for the Holiday season. They include a classic retelling and a new edition of a beloved favorite as well as stories that are…

25 of our Absolute Favorite Christmas Picture Books
Every year I get asked to share a list with our top favorite Christmas Picture books and every year I have put it off because it seemed like an impossible task. However, this year I decided I was up to it so here you go. These are 25 of our absolute favorite Christmas picture books…

15+ Wonderful Picture Books for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a holiday that gives me all the “warm fuzzy” feelings. It is a time to reflect on our many blessings and the beauty around us in the world and in life. It’s also a holiday focused on family and love and food. What’s not to love? For books around and for Thanksgiving our…

20+ Picture Books that Celebrate Native American Culture and Heritage
Native American culture is something that should be taught and celebrated. I want my children to know the rich heritage of the land that they live in and love. The roots of this land run deep and there is so much to learn and appreciate. Below is a list I curated of over 20 books…

25+ Books that Celebrate Hispanic & Latino Heritage
I had so much fun rounding-up this list of fantastic books that celebrate Hispanic and Latino heritage. When selecting books I wanted ones that had a celebratory nature and wanted to include at least a few nonfiction stories that highlight amazing individuals and stories as well as fictional books that are fun and highlight different…

12+ Picture Books that are Excellent for Summer
We adore summer time and summer reading over here! Some of our favorite parts of summer are: sunshine, swimming, gardening, outdoor time, imaginative play and family activities. Therefore, these topics are some of our favorites for summer reading and books about this bright and warm season. Below is a list of just over a dozen…

10+ Excellent Picture Books for Earth Day
Every time Earth Day comes around again I also grateful for the reminder to take a moment and appreciate the beauty of this wonderful planet as well as to reassess what I can do personally to take better care of it. Of course, I try to keep this in my mind and heart all year,…

15+ of the Best Picture Books that are Perfect for Spring
Spring is such a special season! I love all the hope that it encompasses and the sudden influx of glorious sunshine. Books that celebrate spring seem to hold this same feeling of hope and sunshine and it brings us so much joy. Below is a list of some picture books that are perfect for Spring…

12+ Favorite Picture Books About Rain for Rainy Days
Rainy days are my favorite. Reading books is my favorite. Combining rainy days with reading is an ULTIMATE favorite! It’s true. What is better than cuddling up with a fuzzy blanket and a stack of books on a rainy day? Almost nothing. Below is a list of over a dozen picture books that we love…

20+ Excellent Books for Black History Month & All Year
Black History is such a powerful, inspiring and important history for everyone to hear and learn from. This list includes books that teach about the injustices in Black History and how strong individuals overcame as well as books that celebrate Black heritage. Each one of these books has so much to offer and they make…

25 Picture Books That Are Perfect for Fall
Isn’t Fall such a cozy season? I love the beautiful fall leaves, excuse to wear sweaters and the glorious crisp smell, but my favorite part of fall is probably cuddling up in front a fireplace with a good book. Below is a list of 25 of our favorite books for Fall. Most of them are…

12+ Fantastic Halloween Books for Kids
We LOVE Halloween books over here. They are second pretty much only to Christmas books. We love ones featuring jack-o-lanterns, ghosts, costumes, trick-or-treating and more. However, we do definitely prefer our Halloween books on the cute side and shy away from anything too spooky or creepy. Below are a dozen of our favorite Halloween books…

10+ Books for Kids About Voting and Elections!
As I am compiling this list it happens to be an election year so kids’ curiosity about voting and how elections work is at an all-time high. I went off on a search for the best children’s books about this topic that I could find to help educate the future voters of America. However, voting…

12 Books That are Great for Back-To-School
As a former teacher (I used to teach fifth grade.) I get all kinds of excited every year when it is back-to-school season. I love all the school supplies that flood the stores and I get particularly excited about back-to-school books. I love the role that they play in helping kiddos prepare for school as…

20+ Picture Books that Are Perfect for Summer
Fall has been my favorite season for as long as I can remember, but the past few years Summer has really been giving it competition and it may even be my favorite now. It’s hard to beat a season that is full of sunshine, green grass, swimming, popsicles, ice cream cones, beach and lake trips,…

20+ “Beach Read” Picture Books for Kids!
The ocean is a pretty big part of our beautiful planet. We’re talking takes up the majority of the earth’s surface and life as we know it wouldn’t be possible without it kind of important. It is also a popular and wonderful recreational place to visit. Swimming, playing on the beach, and exploring it’s shores…

12+ Picture Books that are Fabulous for Graduations, Gifts and Keepsakes
Have you been watching the keepsake book trend as it grows? You know, the one where you have people sign books and gift them for big occasions. I am ALL over it. I love it! Cards are great, but keepsake books, in my opinion are even better. They can hold a longer message, include fantastic…

15 Picture Books That Are Perfect for Spring
When Spring comes around I am always SUPER ready for sunshine and foliage. And, of course, no Spring celebration would be complete without some beautiful books to help celebrate. The 15 picture books below are all wonderful choices for Springtime reads. They feature everything “Spring” from highlighting the season itself to gardens, bugs, seeds, rain,…

20+ of the Best Books about our Earth and Taking Care of It
Our planet is a pretty amazing place. It is the only one we know of that supports life in our solar system and the life supported is intertwined in such a wonderful way. Plants, animals, people, we are all connected to each other and what we do affects one another. I love reading books that…

15+ Of Our Favorite Books Featuring Bunnies
Whether you are here for bunny books because you are looking for an Easter basket stuffer for you child or because you simply love these fluffy animals, you have come to the right place. Each one of these books features bunnies and ranges from the hilarious and imaginative to the sweetest little stories you’ve ever…

Beautiful Children’s Book Editions of The Nutcracker!
As a child I took ballet class and was enamored with all things ballet. Every year my mom, grandmother, sister and I would get tickets to a ballet production of the Nutcracker and it was such a magical way to start the Holiday Season. As an adult, my love for the Nutcracker is as strong…

17+ of The Best Books About Patriotism, Independence Day and America
I am proud to be American. Sure, I realize that not everything about our past, or even our present as a nation is perfect, but overall I love living here and raising my family here. I also feel that it is important for children, no matter where they live, to have a general understanding of…

Our Favorite Saint Patrick’s Day Picture Books
St. Patrick’s day is a such fun Holiday to celebrate! I love the bit of Irish culture it let’s me teach my children and the folklore filled with leprechauns and rainbows is so magical! When I was a child my parents celebrated with us by turning the milk green the night before St. Patricks Day…

12+ of Our Favorite Christmas Nativity Books
Like many of you, we have a huge love for Christmas books! We can hardly wait to bring them out every season and we read as many as we can as often as we can from whenever we bring them out in November through mid January. Among our favorite holiday books are a few books…

12+ Christmas Books that We Love!
I find it completely delightful that there is such an abundance of beautiful and wonderful Christmas books out there to choose from. And to add to my delight even more are published every year. Because of this, we may or may not have the issue of Christmas books overrunning our shelves every December, but I…

Our Favorite Picture Books that Teach Gratitude
They say that gratitude is something that needs to be practiced. Like a muscle it can get stronger over time. I am a believer. When I spend more time focusing on what I am thankful for and make it more of a daily habit I do feel more grateful. And with this feeling of…

10+ Favorite Halloween Books For Kids!
For some reason Halloween time just gets more and more fun for me every year. I love putting my children’s costumes together, decorating the house, playing our Halloween playlist and reading Halloween books. This year we are so excited that we already have started on each one of those and it isn’t even October yet!…

100 More Picture Books for Your Summer Reading
It’s that time of year again! Summer is around the corner and last year at this time I made a list of 100 Picture Books for Your Summer Reading. So many of you loved it so much and I knew a new one was in demand for this year, so here you go! Below are…

15 Picture Books about Rain for Rainy Days
Sometimes it can be disheartening for children to look out the window and see rain pouring down. However, rainy days can be so much fun with a pair of rubber boots or they can even be fun spent inside. One of our favorite things to do on rainy days is to snuggle up with a…
Social Emotional Learning

10 Excellent Picture Books about Apologizing and Forgiveness
Apologies can be incredibly powerful and they can also sometimes be incredibly hard. I believe they are also partly a skill that can be worked on and developed. Books can be a wonderful tool for helping to introduce children to this skill and the impact that it can have. Also, alongside apologies is the topic…

10+ Of the Best Books for Kids About Consent, Personal Boundaries and Body Autonomy
Books can be an excellent way to introduce topics that may feel tricky and can be excellent springboards for discussion as well. This book list is one that has picture books and a couple of board books that cover the topics of consent, personal boundaries, body autonomy and safety. Some of them are more upbeat…

12+ Excellent Picture Books about Poverty & Homelessness
Homelessness and poverty can be found in every city across the globe. At their young age, children may have a hard time grasping the concept that other children may not have homes or lives similar to the ones that they experience, even possibly within their own neighborhood. Below is a list of books that are…

12+ Wonderful Picture Books About Death for Kids
Death is such a big and important topic for kids, and it can often feel like a difficult one. Children going through the grief of the loss of a loved one or children who are simply curious and wondering about that part of life are bound to have questions. Books are obviously not a perfect…

10 Of Our Favorite Books that Celebrate Dads!
I love books that celebrate dads. However, It seems like for every great picture book featuring dads there are over five great picture books featuring mothers. Don’t misunderstand me, I love the books featuring mothers just as much. It’s just that I wish that there were more books featuring fathers because their roles and relationships…

20 Excellent Picture Books featuring Immigrants, Migrants and Refugees
One thing that I really love about the country that I live in is the diversity in cultures that can be found. Most of us have a heritage of immigration and the stories of how and why our ancestors came is a part of us. In addition to history and heritage, immigration is still a…

15+ Picture Books that help Build Confidence (Full of Positive Affirmation and Expressions of Love)
Confidence. It’s one of those things that everyone wants, yet can be tricky to define. It can be even trickier as a parent or caregiver to try and figure out how to help intentionally raise your children to be confident. In my personal opinion, positive affirmations and expressions of love are two very solid ways…

10+ Books for Kids About Voting and Elections!
As I am compiling this list it happens to be an election year so kids’ curiosity about voting and how elections work is at an all-time high. I went off on a search for the best children’s books about this topic that I could find to help educate the future voters of America. However, voting…

12 Books That are Great for Back-To-School
As a former teacher (I used to teach fifth grade.) I get all kinds of excited every year when it is back-to-school season. I love all the school supplies that flood the stores and I get particularly excited about back-to-school books. I love the role that they play in helping kiddos prepare for school as…

20+ Fantastic Kids Books About Mindfulness
Mindfulness: The therapeutic and relaxing practice of focusing on the present moment and the feelings and sensations that you are currently experiencing. I LOVE that mindfulness is a trending topic right now because I believe that it is more important to practice and develop than ever, for adults and children alike. When I take a…

15+ of Our Favorite Books About Grandparents and Intergenerational Friendships
Grandparents are very important individuals. They can be such incredible examples to children of unconditional love and can really impact a child’s life in such a powerful and positive way. Growing-up I had a grandmother that I was particularly close too and she did so much to boost my self-esteem and help raise me with…

Favorite Picture Books that Celebrate Mothers
Moms are pretty special people. They are nurturers, caregivers, facilitators, guides, best friends, role models and so much more to the kiddos under their wings. The love that they give is famous for knowing no bounds and being completely and utter unconditional. This is the love that I feel for my children and I love…

28 Books that Teach About Spreading Love and Making a Positive Impact in Your Community
This book list is one that I feel is is important. Each book was carefully selected for this theme and is one that I really believe in. This list was created as a companion to our Spread Love Challenge that we participate in annually. It is a challenge/book advent that has 14 ideas for random…

The Best Growth Mindset Picture Books!
Growth mindset as I understand it is the principle that most any ability can be improved through dedication and perseverance. This includes skills such as performance in sports and even characteristics such as patience. This principle is powerful because it means that we can do most anything we wish and that we should never be…

10+ Books about Good Citizenship and Community for Kids
One of my favorite messages to teach my children is that even though they are young, they can make a big difference. Children need to realize the power they possess and that their voice isn’t lost in the crowd. Also, I feel it is important to teach them responsibility for their actions and voice. They…

Our Favorite Picture Books that Teach Gratitude
They say that gratitude is something that needs to be practiced. Like a muscle it can get stronger over time. I am a believer. When I spend more time focusing on what I am thankful for and make it more of a daily habit I do feel more grateful. And with this feeling of…

10+ Picture Books that Teach Teamwork
Teamwork really is something that needs to be experienced to be learned, however that doesn’t mean that kids can’t benefit from being taught teamwork in other forms. Discussion, books, example and even movies can be helpful. Below are some of our favorite books that teach different aspects of teamwork. And, bonus, each one would be…

Our Favorite Picture Books for Kids about Big Emotions
Little kids are full of big emotions. Big emotions can be so hard to manage, but before a child (or adult for that matter) can really begin to manage them we need to be able to identify them. In addition to helping children identify their emotions, giving them the words to use to express them…

The Best Picture Books for Kids About Sadness
When I saw the movie “Inside Out” for the first time I practically burst into tears at the ending in the movie theater. I loved the message that sorrow is essential and that we can even appreciate it for the strength it gives to the emotion of joy. Sadness can be a difficult topic to…

Fantastic Picture Books for Anxiety & Kids Who Worry
Worrying is something that we all do to some extent or another. However, it would seem that some of us are more prone to worrying than others. I think that I lean on this end of the spectrum. Sometimes I am so envious of my husband and his care free, let it come attitude as…

Best Anti-Bullying Picture Books for Kids
Bullying is a huge issue. It exists, sadly, in possibly every school on the planet and is expressed and lurks in so many different forms from social media bashing to shoves in the hallway. I have three big hopes for my children: 1- That they will never be the bully 2- That they won’t be…

The Best Picture Books that Teach Kindness
I have so many hopes and dreams for my children. They range from superficial and unimportant (like my vision of us all being Harry Potter fans and taking a trip to Harry Potter World together where we all run around in robes with wands completely stary-eyed) to deep and honest desires for them like how…

The “What Do You Do With” Series and Journaling Sheets
The “What Do You Do With” Series by Kobi Yamada and Mae Besom This little trio of books has become one of my favorites. Each one tackles an abstract concept in the form of a beautiful metaphor. The genius of using a metaphor is that these books are simple enough for children to understand even though…

Picture books to Help Children Manage Anger
Small children can have very big emotions. These emotions can feel overwhelming, frustrating and even scary for them. Because they are so new at dealing with emotions and developing social skills often they find themselves buried in these emotions to the point where they don’t know how to express them or what to do with…

Fun Picture Books about Wanting a Little Space
Fun Picture Books about Wanting a Little Space Sometimes I just really want some time alone and some space to myself. I enjoy company, but I have also learned to appreciate solitude. Because my kiddos are usually the ones following me around and interacting with me I sometimes forget that they can be the same…

Our Favorite Back-To-School Books
The transition from summer to school time is an exciting time. As a former teacher, I get so excited when I see our local stores fill up with school supplies inside the main doors. Notebooks, pencils, markers, three ring binders, I always have to pick up a few because I simply can’t resist. I love…

Picture Books that Feature Fathers
Below you will find a list of some picture books that celebrate fathers. I love how many beautiful books there are about a child’s relationship with their mother or their father. The bond between a parent and child is so incredibly special and I love books that foster appreciation for parents as well as simply…

Books to Help Conquer “Monster Under the Bed” Fears
Children have imaginations that are larger than life, and really that is a beautiful thing. I love how they appreciate every wonderful detail of the world around them, yet still delight in imagining up fantastic additions. It’s a magical balance. However, things can go a bit awry when their imagination can lead to them being…

Books about Love
Reading books to my kids about love is one of my favorite ways to express love to them. They can be like extra long, extra fancy valentines. They are the kind of books that I want to read to my children over and over again. Plus, books that teach about love are important to me…

Picture Books About Friendship
Friendships are an important part of life. They can be incredibly fulfilling and wonderful. Everyone seeks after them in one form or another and I feel that they are a social need we just inherently have. I still remember my best childhood friends and am still in contact with several of them. They are relationships…
Nonfiction & STEM

20+ Picture Books that Celebrate Native American Culture and Heritage
Native American culture is something that should be taught and celebrated. I want my children to know the rich heritage of the land that they live in and love. The roots of this land run deep and there is so much to learn and appreciate. Below is a list I curated of over 20 books…

10 Fantastic Picture Books and Reference Books About Music and Instruments for Kids
Music is such a fun topic that covers such a wide range of information. This book list has a little taste of almost everything and was so much fun to compile. In it you will find books that cover everything from the science of sound to the how different types of instruments are made and…

10+ Excellent Picture Books for Earth Day
Every time Earth Day comes around again I also grateful for the reminder to take a moment and appreciate the beauty of this wonderful planet as well as to reassess what I can do personally to take better care of it. Of course, I try to keep this in my mind and heart all year,…

12+ Favorite Picture Books About Rain for Rainy Days
Rainy days are my favorite. Reading books is my favorite. Combining rainy days with reading is an ULTIMATE favorite! It’s true. What is better than cuddling up with a fuzzy blanket and a stack of books on a rainy day? Almost nothing. Below is a list of over a dozen picture books that we love…

10+ Awesome, Nonfiction Books About Space and the Solar System
Space is one of those subjects that you just never grow out of, am I right? Every time I look at a starry night sky I am filled with just as much wonder and awe as when I was a child and while I have learned a lot about the universe over the years, I…

10+ Books for Kids About Voting and Elections!
As I am compiling this list it happens to be an election year so kids’ curiosity about voting and how elections work is at an all-time high. I went off on a search for the best children’s books about this topic that I could find to help educate the future voters of America. However, voting…

20+ of the Best Books about our Earth and Taking Care of It
Our planet is a pretty amazing place. It is the only one we know of that supports life in our solar system and the life supported is intertwined in such a wonderful way. Plants, animals, people, we are all connected to each other and what we do affects one another. I love reading books that…

17+ of The Best Books About Patriotism, Independence Day and America
I am proud to be American. Sure, I realize that not everything about our past, or even our present as a nation is perfect, but overall I love living here and raising my family here. I also feel that it is important for children, no matter where they live, to have a general understanding of…

12+ Of the Best Fiction and Nonfiction Books About Space and The Solar System
I have a child who is awed and inspired by the night sky. He has so many questions about it and loves learning everything he can. I am thrilled that astronomy is one of his favorite topics and consider it a pleasure to find him fantastic books that quench his thirst for knowledge about Space….

10+ Of Our Favorite Books About Dinosaurs
It is no surprise to me that generation after generation dinosaurs seem to be one of the most popular points of interest for young children. Dinosaurs are just awesome! They are huge, mysterious, extinct and powerful. Plus, they make fantastic protagonists in stories both fictional and factual. Below is a list of our very favorite…

12 Fantastic, Large-Format, Nonfiction Books for Kids
In a world where online search engines prevail, I still feel that it is important, perhaps more than ever, to teach our children that books hold a wealth of knowledge. Sure, search engines can answer your question in seconds and books take time to rifle through, but books still have so much to offer. (Besides,…

20+ of Our Favorite Farm Books for Kids
There is something so cozy and wholesome about farm books isn’t there? I mean, there has got to be a reason why farm books and farm children products are so popular right?! Maybe it’s the idea that they are full of so many fun animals, maybe it’s the fact that they produce yummy food, maybe…

Our Favorite Anatomy Books for Kids
My oldest is currently fascinated with anatomy. It is so much fun to see their curiosity about where their food goes when they eat it and what their bones look like and skeletal structure. Of course, one of my favorite ways to encourage this curiosity is through books. When they look through they have so…

The Ultimate List of Picture Book Biographies of Amazing Men
I am absolutely loving the current trent of picture book biographies hitting shelves right now. There are so many fantastic stories being told about so many incredible people and we are being inspired right and left by them all. I hope that this new trend proves not to be a trend at all, but a…

15 Picture Books about Rain for Rainy Days
Sometimes it can be disheartening for children to look out the window and see rain pouring down. However, rainy days can be so much fun with a pair of rubber boots or they can even be fun spent inside. One of our favorite things to do on rainy days is to snuggle up with a…

Fantastic Picture Books About Trees
I have a major soft spot in my heart for picture books about trees and tree houses. As a child I had a favorite cherry tree in our yard that I named Cheryl. I was often up in her lofty branches and it felt like I was in my own magical world. I would go…

The Ultimate List of Picture Book Biographies on Incredible Women
As a child I was very much a fiction and fantasy fan. In fact, I still am! However, I did read the occasional nonfiction book and have learned to appreciate them even more as an adult. My two favorite nonfiction books as a child were “The Story of Harriet Tubman: Conductor of the Underground Railroad”…

“The 50 States” Set
“The 50 States Set” by Gabrielle Balkan and Sol Linero Learning about the 50 states has never been more fun with this set. I’m serious! Each of these books is absolutely gorgeous in design and each one on it’s own can occupy you for hours with all the information and wonderful details that they hold….

Our Favorite Picture Books About Bees
Both of my toddlers have now reached a stage where they are a bit bug obsessed. It is so much fun to watch them discover nature’s little friends when we are playing outside. This fascination has led us to search out various books all about bugs and this search has led us to some really…

Fantastic Nonfiction Picture Books for Curious Little Minds
Not too many years ago when I thought about “picture books” all that came to my mind where favorite fictional storybooks such as the Little Critter series and Dr. Seuss. I don’t think that I ever really realized how many beautiful and amazing nonfiction picture books there are out there until I became an adult….

5 New Books that Feature the Ocean
I find the ocean absolutely fascinating. I think part of the reason why is because I have lived in a land-locked location my entire life. The few times I have visited the ocean I was completely enamored and mystified by its sheer size and beauty. In between my infrequent visits to the ocean I have…

7 Big and Beautiful Nonfiction Picture Books about Nature
I have decided to name this year: “The Year of the Gorgeous Nonficiton Picture Books!” I mean, c’mon, has anyone else noticed that incredible and beautiful nonfiction picture books are pouring out of bookstores? I have and I have definitely jumped on the nonfiction picture book train. As a child I was almost never as…
Global and Cultural Awareness

15+ Books Featuring Winter Holidays
The Winter season is packed with so many fun holidays that are celebrated all around the world. This list is meant to feature some of our favorite books that highlight a bunch of them. Even though our family doesn’t celebrate all of these holidays, I enjoy teaching about them to my children. We are all…

20+ Picture Books that Celebrate Native American Culture and Heritage
Native American culture is something that should be taught and celebrated. I want my children to know the rich heritage of the land that they live in and love. The roots of this land run deep and there is so much to learn and appreciate. Below is a list I curated of over 20 books…

25+ Books that Celebrate Hispanic & Latino Heritage
I had so much fun rounding-up this list of fantastic books that celebrate Hispanic and Latino heritage. When selecting books I wanted ones that had a celebratory nature and wanted to include at least a few nonfiction stories that highlight amazing individuals and stories as well as fictional books that are fun and highlight different…

20 Excellent Picture Books featuring Immigrants, Migrants and Refugees
One thing that I really love about the country that I live in is the diversity in cultures that can be found. Most of us have a heritage of immigration and the stories of how and why our ancestors came is a part of us. In addition to history and heritage, immigration is still a…

25+ Beautiful Picture Books for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (AAPI Month)
My favorite thing about Asian Pacific American Heritage Month is the diversity and beauty in all the rich heritage and culture represented. This month honors Americans with heritage from Asia and Pacific Islands so it covers countries such as China, Taiwan, Korea, India, Japan, Iran and Pacific island such as Indonesia, Guam and Hawaii. Below…

10+ of Our Favorite Christian Books for Kids
We embrace books about a vast variety of cultures and beliefs in our home because I want my children to grow up understanding and celebrating all the beauty, diversity and commonalities that they share in this world with so many different people. However, when it comes to books about beliefs and religious principles our Christian…

The Best Books for Global and Cultural Awareness
There is a great big world out there and it is beautiful! I want my children to understand that not only is the world a wonderful place, but that they are part of a big, global family. A big global family that is beautifully diverse and fascinating in all it has to offer. There are…

Our Favorite Picture Books for July: Patriotism & America, Cultural & Global Awareness and Citizenship/Community
I am really excited about the themes that we chose for July! July marks the birthday of America and that, to me, is a very special occasion. Because I want my children to know about the country that they live in and what it means to be patriotic I have enjoyed scouting out the best…
Preschool Concepts

15+ of Our Favorite Alphabet Books
I love alphabet books, but let’s face it, they can be a little bland. That means that I am always on the lookout for alphabet books that incorporate fun features or implement a fun twist for teaching the ABC’s. Don’t get me wrong, I am still a fan of the more simple and traditional alphabet…

20 Fun Preschool Concept Books
My youngest is preschool age and with Summer around the corner I wanted to pull out a bunch of fun preschool concept books for our feature shelves so we could work on the basics together at home. I had so much fun compiling this selection. They include books that teach the alphabet, counting, opposites, colors…

Our Favorite Picture Books for Kids about Big Emotions
Little kids are full of big emotions. Big emotions can be so hard to manage, but before a child (or adult for that matter) can really begin to manage them we need to be able to identify them. In addition to helping children identify their emotions, giving them the words to use to express them…

The Best Picture Books for Kids About Sadness
When I saw the movie “Inside Out” for the first time I practically burst into tears at the ending in the movie theater. I loved the message that sorrow is essential and that we can even appreciate it for the strength it gives to the emotion of joy. Sadness can be a difficult topic to…

Fantastic Picture Books for Anxiety & Kids Who Worry
Worrying is something that we all do to some extent or another. However, it would seem that some of us are more prone to worrying than others. I think that I lean on this end of the spectrum. Sometimes I am so envious of my husband and his care free, let it come attitude as…

Best Anti-Bullying Picture Books for Kids
Bullying is a huge issue. It exists, sadly, in possibly every school on the planet and is expressed and lurks in so many different forms from social media bashing to shoves in the hallway. I have three big hopes for my children: 1- That they will never be the bully 2- That they won’t be…

The Best Picture Books that Teach Kindness
I have so many hopes and dreams for my children. They range from superficial and unimportant (like my vision of us all being Harry Potter fans and taking a trip to Harry Potter World together where we all run around in robes with wands completely stary-eyed) to deep and honest desires for them like how…

Picture books to Help Children Manage Anger
Small children can have very big emotions. These emotions can feel overwhelming, frustrating and even scary for them. Because they are so new at dealing with emotions and developing social skills often they find themselves buried in these emotions to the point where they don’t know how to express them or what to do with…
Big Life Changes

25+ Gorgeous Picture Books that Are Excellent Gifts for Baby Showers & Expectant Mothers
One of my favorite gifts for baby showers (okay, my absolute number one favorite) is books. And my favorite books to gift are ones that have beautiful illustrations and pay tribute to the potential and wonder of childhood. This booklist is full of gorgeous books that fit that description. Each one is a celebration and…

12+ Excellent Picture Books about Poverty & Homelessness
Homelessness and poverty can be found in every city across the globe. At their young age, children may have a hard time grasping the concept that other children may not have homes or lives similar to the ones that they experience, even possibly within their own neighborhood. Below is a list of books that are…

10+ Picture Books to Welcome a New Baby
Welcoming a new baby into a family is super exciting and definitely something to celebrate. However, it also includes some transitioning for everyone, including older siblings. These books in this book list are definitely ones of a celebratory nature. A couple of them (Angelina’s Baby Sister and I Used to Be Famous) feature some of…

12+ Wonderful Picture Books About Death for Kids
Death is such a big and important topic for kids, and it can often feel like a difficult one. Children going through the grief of the loss of a loved one or children who are simply curious and wondering about that part of life are bound to have questions. Books are obviously not a perfect…

12+ of the Best Picture Books About Moving
AWIN Moving is a pretty big life change, especially for young children. It involves changes with friendships, comfort zones, sometimes family relationships, familiar surroundings, sometimes school environments and so much more. It can be hard for children to transition during moves and it can be hard for them to say goodbye to the parts where…

12 Books That are Great for Back-To-School
As a former teacher (I used to teach fifth grade.) I get all kinds of excited every year when it is back-to-school season. I love all the school supplies that flood the stores and I get particularly excited about back-to-school books. I love the role that they play in helping kiddos prepare for school as…

12+ Picture Books that are Fabulous for Graduations, Gifts and Keepsakes
Have you been watching the keepsake book trend as it grows? You know, the one where you have people sign books and gift them for big occasions. I am ALL over it. I love it! Cards are great, but keepsake books, in my opinion are even better. They can hold a longer message, include fantastic…

Our Favorite Back-To-School Books
The transition from summer to school time is an exciting time. As a former teacher, I get so excited when I see our local stores fill up with school supplies inside the main doors. Notebooks, pencils, markers, three ring binders, I always have to pick up a few because I simply can’t resist. I love…

Picture Books About Loss for Children
Picture Books About Loss For Children As a parent there are many things I need to teach my children and many experiences that I hope to guide them through successfully. It is one of the many definitions of motherhood that I embrace and I am loving the journey. I love being their companion as they discover new…
Fun Topics

Our Top 20 Picture Books of 2021
It was an EPIC year in the world of children’s literature and I am here for it! There were so many incredible picture books released and I fell in love with so many of them. It was extremely hard to narrow down all those beautiful books to a top 20 list, but I finally succeeded….

10 Fantastic Picture Books and Reference Books About Music and Instruments for Kids
Music is such a fun topic that covers such a wide range of information. This book list has a little taste of almost everything and was so much fun to compile. In it you will find books that cover everything from the science of sound to the how different types of instruments are made and…

15+ of the Best Picture Books about Birthdays
Birthdays are kind of a big deal. It’s the one day in the year that is all about celebrating you and the wonderfulness of you. It holds a lot of anticipation and excitement, especially for children. This book list has our favorite books that feature birthdays in all their importance and magic. These are great…

10+ Fantastic Picture Books of Poetry for Young Children
Poetry. It seems like one of those polarizing things that people either love or hate. However, wherever you fall on the spectrum, I feel that we can all agree that it has tremendous value. It is an amazing vehicle for expressing emotion, it teaches and plays with language like nothing else and can stretch your…

12+ of the Best Picture books about Ballet and Ballerinas
As a young girl I took ballet classes and I loved it! My favorite part was the storytelling that we got to do through dance when I got to participate in small roles of larger performances. Though I didn’t continue my ballet for long, I will always cherish the memories I made and the lessons…

Our Top 20 Books of 2020
This year has been an amazing one in the world of children’s literature. There have been so many wonderful books released that have left the most lovely impression. After much deliberation, listed below is our list of our top 20 favorites. They are impactful, creative, hilarious, beautifully illustrated and definitely “stand-outs” in our opinion. If…

20 Not-To-Be-Missed Picture Books
Every year hundreds and hundreds of wonderful books are released out into the world and here at Book Nerd Mommy we try to share as many of the exceptional stand-out books as possible. We know that it is impossible to keep-up with all the new releases and that fantastic books can get missed or slip…

10+ Awesome, Nonfiction Books About Space and the Solar System
Space is one of those subjects that you just never grow out of, am I right? Every time I look at a starry night sky I am filled with just as much wonder and awe as when I was a child and while I have learned a lot about the universe over the years, I…

20+ “Beach Read” Picture Books for Kids!
The ocean is a pretty big part of our beautiful planet. We’re talking takes up the majority of the earth’s surface and life as we know it wouldn’t be possible without it kind of important. It is also a popular and wonderful recreational place to visit. Swimming, playing on the beach, and exploring it’s shores…

15+ Of Our Favorite Books Featuring Bunnies
Whether you are here for bunny books because you are looking for an Easter basket stuffer for you child or because you simply love these fluffy animals, you have come to the right place. Each one of these books features bunnies and ranges from the hilarious and imaginative to the sweetest little stories you’ve ever…

Our Top 20 Picture Books of 2019!
Yet again, this year was an INCREDIBLE one for children’s literature! I am always amazed by the multitude of incredible new books that are released every year. Just when you think it can’t possibly get any better, a new book hits the shelves and leaves an imprint in you heart. Now that the year is…

Beautiful Children’s Book Editions of The Nutcracker!
As a child I took ballet class and was enamored with all things ballet. Every year my mom, grandmother, sister and I would get tickets to a ballet production of the Nutcracker and it was such a magical way to start the Holiday Season. As an adult, my love for the Nutcracker is as strong…

Our Favorite Mermaid Books for Kids
When I was a young girl I was obsessed with mermaids. For years Disney’s Ariel was my favorite princess and I would swim in my family’s pool and pretend to be her complete with the dramatic hair flip upon breaking the water’s surface. I also had some mermaid dolls that I spent hours playing with…

The Ultimate List of The Best Books for Vehicle Loving Kids!
Trucks, trains, tractors, planes, cars, loaders, dump trucks, cement mixers and so much more! If it has wheels, it must be wonderful right?! Actually, forget it, it doesn’t even necessarily have to have wheels! Boats are equally as wonderful and awe inspiring! Basically any vehicle seems to be exciting to most young children and I…

17+ of The Best Books About Patriotism, Independence Day and America
I am proud to be American. Sure, I realize that not everything about our past, or even our present as a nation is perfect, but overall I love living here and raising my family here. I also feel that it is important for children, no matter where they live, to have a general understanding of…

Favorite Picture Books that Celebrate Mothers
Moms are pretty special people. They are nurturers, caregivers, facilitators, guides, best friends, role models and so much more to the kiddos under their wings. The love that they give is famous for knowing no bounds and being completely and utter unconditional. This is the love that I feel for my children and I love…

10+ of Our Favorite Books That Feature Fairies
When I was a little girl I loved the notion of fairies and I still do. There is something so magical about the idea of wee folk with gossamer wings that change the seasons and help the flowers bloom. Don’t you think? Now that I am a mother I am thrilled that my little girl…

12+ Of the Best Fiction and Nonfiction Books About Space and The Solar System
I have a child who is awed and inspired by the night sky. He has so many questions about it and loves learning everything he can. I am thrilled that astronomy is one of his favorite topics and consider it a pleasure to find him fantastic books that quench his thirst for knowledge about Space….

12+ Favorite Dragon Picture Books
When I was young I was a huge fan of mermaids and unicorns. Then, when I was about ten years old, I fell in love with Dragons as well. In fact, I fell in love with them so hard that they took first place in my “favorites” at that time in my life. I still…

10+ Of Our Favorite Books About Dinosaurs
It is no surprise to me that generation after generation dinosaurs seem to be one of the most popular points of interest for young children. Dinosaurs are just awesome! They are huge, mysterious, extinct and powerful. Plus, they make fantastic protagonists in stories both fictional and factual. Below is a list of our very favorite…

10+ Of Our Favorite “Dog” Picture Books
It was a while ago that we created our book list featuring cats and it has been on my radar since then to get a list compiled for our favorite books that feature dogs. (Because if you have one, you must have the other, right?!) Well, there have been so many darling “dog books” released…

Our Top 20 Books of 2018
It was another incredible year in the world of children’s literature. There are so many new protagonists that are now “friends” of ours and so many new stories that touched our hearts. It was so hard to narrow it down to just our top favorites. In fact, originally I wanted to do a top 10, but…

20 Not-To-Be-Missed Books!
Hundreds of fantastic picture books are released every year and it can be so easy to miss some of the very best that hit the shelves. The twenty books below are all titles that are fantastic in their own way and are definitely worthy of looking up. They are creative, wonderfully illustrated and even inspiring….

20+ of Our Favorite Farm Books for Kids
There is something so cozy and wholesome about farm books isn’t there? I mean, there has got to be a reason why farm books and farm children products are so popular right?! Maybe it’s the idea that they are full of so many fun animals, maybe it’s the fact that they produce yummy food, maybe…

10+ of Our Favorite Cat Books and Pretend Play Cat Costume
Ever since I was a child I have always been a HUGE cat fan, so I am so thrilled that my daughter is turning out to be one as well. She loves our pet cat and likes to “play cat” on occasion as well. Cats and dogs are pretty popular in the world of children…

100 More Picture Books for Your Summer Reading
It’s that time of year again! Summer is around the corner and last year at this time I made a list of 100 Picture Books for Your Summer Reading. So many of you loved it so much and I knew a new one was in demand for this year, so here you go! Below are…

15 Picture Books about Rain for Rainy Days
Sometimes it can be disheartening for children to look out the window and see rain pouring down. However, rainy days can be so much fun with a pair of rubber boots or they can even be fun spent inside. One of our favorite things to do on rainy days is to snuggle up with a…

Fantastic Picture Books About Trees
I have a major soft spot in my heart for picture books about trees and tree houses. As a child I had a favorite cherry tree in our yard that I named Cheryl. I was often up in her lofty branches and it felt like I was in my own magical world. I would go…

10+ New Picture Books That Are Silly And Fun!
I really love that my kids can appreciate a good nonfiction book and I really love reading them stories that are profound, that they find relatable, that inspire, that teach and a million other things. However, sometimes we are simply in the mood for a book that is silly and fun. One where we can…

Fantastic, Fractured Fairytales for Kids
Fairytales are classics for a reason. They appeal to all ages and have timeless messages wrapped in interesting events and courageous heroes. The fact that they have been passed down for so many years means that not only are they very well known by many, but there is a plethora of versions to enjoy. When…
A Picture Book Year

Our Favorite Picture Books for December: Christmas!
It is FINALLY time for December books and that means that it is FINALLY time to pull out the Christmas books!! Any of you get as excited about this as I do?! I love our collection of Christmas stories and bringing them out each year is like bringing out some of the Holiday Magic for…

Our Favorite Books for November: Thanksgiving, Fall and Gratitude
November is such a lovely month. We love to focus on gratitude in our home and give thanks to those we love and those who do so much for us. I love this shift in focus and I love that it comes before the Christmas holidays. For us, Thanksgiving is a holiday and season not…

Our Favorite Picture Books for October: Halloween
Confession: I get alllllmost as excited about pulling out Halloween books as I do about pulling out the Christmas books. It’s true! I am very particular about my Halloween books because I don’t want anything too spooky and I heavily favor the “cute” over “creepy”, but I don’t find my selection too limited even with…

Our Favorite Picture Books for September: Autumn, School, Anti-Bulllying & Inclusion
September is an exciting time of year. It is the beginning of my favorite Season (Autumn) and all our favorite Holidays are right around the corner. It is also a time of year where school is generally just barely in full swing and the whole school year stretches out before children. With these points in…

Our Favorite Books for August: Back to School, Kindness, Positive Attitudes, Making New Friends, Being Yourself
August is a BIG month for kids. A new school year is at hand or barely beginning and it can be a stressful time. New teachers, new classmates and even perhaps a new school building can all be so intimidating. It is also a very exciting time. It is a new beginning full of promise,…

Our Favorite Picture Books for July: Patriotism & America, Cultural & Global Awareness and Citizenship/Community
I am really excited about the themes that we chose for July! July marks the birthday of America and that, to me, is a very special occasion. Because I want my children to know about the country that they live in and what it means to be patriotic I have enjoyed scouting out the best…

Our Favorite Picture Books for June: Summer, Imagination/Unplugging and Father’s Day
Ah, June! We LOVE June! June is the beginning of endless summer days, outdoor fun, lemonade stands and so much more. Honestly, June is one of my absolute favorite months of the year. I love spending time outside and encourage my kiddos to get outside to play for at least a few minutes every day….

Our Favorite Picture Books for May: Spring, Mother’s Day and Cinco De Mayo
May is a wonderful month. Everything is starting to warm up more and the end of School and Summer are right around the corner. However, before Summer starts we try to squeeze in as many Spring books as we can because we just love them so much. The vast bulk of books on this list…

Our Favorite Picture Books for April: Springtime and Easter
April is when things finally start feeling like Spring for me. Things are warming up, flowers are emerging and the world is waking up. It is a month full of hope and the fact that Easter is in April just adds to that overall feeling. That is why our favorite books for April are Springtime…

Our Favorite Picture Books for March: St. Patrick’s Day, Rain and Rainbows
March is a month that is very exciting to me because it means a big seasonal change is coming. Usually I start off loving winter. I find it magical and beautiful, but then something happens after December. I tire of it quickly and soon find it dreary and gloomy. When March comes, that usually means…

Our Favorite Picture Books for February: Love and Valentine’s Day
February is one of my favorite times of year. Growing up that wasn’t always the case. As a kid I associated Valentine’s Day with just one day of the month and although it was wonderful the rest of the month felt dreary to me. Then, as I got older, I associated Valentine’s Day with couples…

Our Favorite Picture Books for January: Winter and Growth Mindset
I just love new beginnings and every New Year you can find me completely excited about new year’s resolutions and making plans. Everything just feels so fresh and full of possibilities and I love that feeling. Because January is a month of new beginnings I thought it would be wonderful to highlight Growth Mindset books in…
Board Books

15+ of Our Favorite Alphabet Books
I love alphabet books, but let’s face it, they can be a little bland. That means that I am always on the lookout for alphabet books that incorporate fun features or implement a fun twist for teaching the ABC’s. Don’t get me wrong, I am still a fan of the more simple and traditional alphabet…

20 Fun Preschool Concept Books
My youngest is preschool age and with Summer around the corner I wanted to pull out a bunch of fun preschool concept books for our feature shelves so we could work on the basics together at home. I had so much fun compiling this selection. They include books that teach the alphabet, counting, opposites, colors…

20+ of Our Favorite Farm Books for Kids
There is something so cozy and wholesome about farm books isn’t there? I mean, there has got to be a reason why farm books and farm children products are so popular right?! Maybe it’s the idea that they are full of so many fun animals, maybe it’s the fact that they produce yummy food, maybe…

10+ Of Our Favorite Books For 6 Month-Olds to 12 Month-Olds
Reading with babies that are 6 months-old to 12 months-old can be so much fun and there is a HUGE selection out there of fabulous books for this age group. They include everything form bright illustrations to touch-and-feel aspects that are wonderful. Below is a list of ten of our favorite books for this age…

“My First Beethoven” and “My First Ballet”
This post is done in partnership with JamJam Books “My First Beethoven” and “My First Ballet” illustrated by Alenka Vuk Trotovsek We have fallen in love with a new board book series and we are so excited to share it with you! We received “My First Beethoven” and “My First Ballet” from JamJam Books and…

Baby Lit Board Books, Why We Love Them
BabyLit Board Books When I first ran across BabyLit books I had two thoughts that hit me instantly and passionately: “Classics for my baby? Yes please!” and “The design of those is amazing!”. However, I was slightly confused. What were these little sturdy gems? How did they manage to pack an entire classic in a board…

Board Book Classics Every Baby Should Know
Board books are built sturdy for a reason. They need to be able to take a beating and they need to withstand being read again and again. That’s just how it is, with babies and toddler especially. Which is why it is always a good idea to have a board book classic or two on…

Board Books We are Loving Right Now
I believe that board books are an essential literacy tool for little bookworms. They are sturdy enough to take a real beating and are usually geared towards the tiniest of “readers” with their bright illustrations and simple words and phrases. It is so important that young children, and even babies, have the opportunity to handle…
Picture Books

Our Top 15 Books of 2022
It was a fantastic year in the picture book world! I get so excited every year to see what new books are being released and it is so fun to see them come out into the world. This year our list of personal favorites include both books that made us literally laugh out loud as…

Our Top 20 Picture Books of 2021
It was an EPIC year in the world of children’s literature and I am here for it! There were so many incredible picture books released and I fell in love with so many of them. It was extremely hard to narrow down all those beautiful books to a top 20 list, but I finally succeeded….

15+ Books Featuring Winter Holidays
The Winter season is packed with so many fun holidays that are celebrated all around the world. This list is meant to feature some of our favorite books that highlight a bunch of them. Even though our family doesn’t celebrate all of these holidays, I enjoy teaching about them to my children. We are all…

10+ New Christmas Picture Books (and Board Books) that are Fantastic!
It has been a wonderful year in the children’s literature world and the Christmas books are no exception! Below is a list of over ten books that are brand new and perfect for the Holiday season. They include a classic retelling and a new edition of a beloved favorite as well as stories that are…

25 of our Absolute Favorite Christmas Picture Books
Every year I get asked to share a list with our top favorite Christmas Picture books and every year I have put it off because it seemed like an impossible task. However, this year I decided I was up to it so here you go. These are 25 of our absolute favorite Christmas picture books…

15+ Wonderful Picture Books for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a holiday that gives me all the “warm fuzzy” feelings. It is a time to reflect on our many blessings and the beauty around us in the world and in life. It’s also a holiday focused on family and love and food. What’s not to love? For books around and for Thanksgiving our…

10 Excellent Picture Books about Apologizing and Forgiveness
Apologies can be incredibly powerful and they can also sometimes be incredibly hard. I believe they are also partly a skill that can be worked on and developed. Books can be a wonderful tool for helping to introduce children to this skill and the impact that it can have. Also, alongside apologies is the topic…

20+ Picture Books that Celebrate Native American Culture and Heritage
Native American culture is something that should be taught and celebrated. I want my children to know the rich heritage of the land that they live in and love. The roots of this land run deep and there is so much to learn and appreciate. Below is a list I curated of over 20 books…

10+ Of the Best Books for Kids About Consent, Personal Boundaries and Body Autonomy
Books can be an excellent way to introduce topics that may feel tricky and can be excellent springboards for discussion as well. This book list is one that has picture books and a couple of board books that cover the topics of consent, personal boundaries, body autonomy and safety. Some of them are more upbeat…

10 Fantastic Picture Books and Reference Books About Music and Instruments for Kids
Music is such a fun topic that covers such a wide range of information. This book list has a little taste of almost everything and was so much fun to compile. In it you will find books that cover everything from the science of sound to the how different types of instruments are made and…

25+ Books that Celebrate Hispanic & Latino Heritage
I had so much fun rounding-up this list of fantastic books that celebrate Hispanic and Latino heritage. When selecting books I wanted ones that had a celebratory nature and wanted to include at least a few nonfiction stories that highlight amazing individuals and stories as well as fictional books that are fun and highlight different…

25+ Gorgeous Picture Books that Are Excellent Gifts for Baby Showers & Expectant Mothers
One of my favorite gifts for baby showers (okay, my absolute number one favorite) is books. And my favorite books to gift are ones that have beautiful illustrations and pay tribute to the potential and wonder of childhood. This booklist is full of gorgeous books that fit that description. Each one is a celebration and…

12+ Excellent Picture Books about Poverty & Homelessness
Homelessness and poverty can be found in every city across the globe. At their young age, children may have a hard time grasping the concept that other children may not have homes or lives similar to the ones that they experience, even possibly within their own neighborhood. Below is a list of books that are…

15+ of the Best Picture Books about Birthdays
Birthdays are kind of a big deal. It’s the one day in the year that is all about celebrating you and the wonderfulness of you. It holds a lot of anticipation and excitement, especially for children. This book list has our favorite books that feature birthdays in all their importance and magic. These are great…

10+ Picture Books to Welcome a New Baby
Welcoming a new baby into a family is super exciting and definitely something to celebrate. However, it also includes some transitioning for everyone, including older siblings. These books in this book list are definitely ones of a celebratory nature. A couple of them (Angelina’s Baby Sister and I Used to Be Famous) feature some of…

12+ Wonderful Picture Books About Death for Kids
Death is such a big and important topic for kids, and it can often feel like a difficult one. Children going through the grief of the loss of a loved one or children who are simply curious and wondering about that part of life are bound to have questions. Books are obviously not a perfect…

10 Of Our Favorite Books that Celebrate Dads!
I love books that celebrate dads. However, It seems like for every great picture book featuring dads there are over five great picture books featuring mothers. Don’t misunderstand me, I love the books featuring mothers just as much. It’s just that I wish that there were more books featuring fathers because their roles and relationships…

12+ Picture Books that are Excellent for Summer
We adore summer time and summer reading over here! Some of our favorite parts of summer are: sunshine, swimming, gardening, outdoor time, imaginative play and family activities. Therefore, these topics are some of our favorites for summer reading and books about this bright and warm season. Below is a list of just over a dozen…

25+ Beautiful Picture Books for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (AAPI Month)
My favorite thing about Asian Pacific American Heritage Month is the diversity and beauty in all the rich heritage and culture represented. This month honors Americans with heritage from Asia and Pacific Islands so it covers countries such as China, Taiwan, Korea, India, Japan, Iran and Pacific island such as Indonesia, Guam and Hawaii. Below…

12+ of the Best Picture Books About Moving
AWIN Moving is a pretty big life change, especially for young children. It involves changes with friendships, comfort zones, sometimes family relationships, familiar surroundings, sometimes school environments and so much more. It can be hard for children to transition during moves and it can be hard for them to say goodbye to the parts where…

10+ Excellent Picture Books for Earth Day
Every time Earth Day comes around again I also grateful for the reminder to take a moment and appreciate the beauty of this wonderful planet as well as to reassess what I can do personally to take better care of it. Of course, I try to keep this in my mind and heart all year,…

10+ Fantastic Picture Books of Poetry for Young Children
Poetry. It seems like one of those polarizing things that people either love or hate. However, wherever you fall on the spectrum, I feel that we can all agree that it has tremendous value. It is an amazing vehicle for expressing emotion, it teaches and plays with language like nothing else and can stretch your…

15+ of the Best Picture Books that are Perfect for Spring
Spring is such a special season! I love all the hope that it encompasses and the sudden influx of glorious sunshine. Books that celebrate spring seem to hold this same feeling of hope and sunshine and it brings us so much joy. Below is a list of some picture books that are perfect for Spring…

12+ Favorite Picture Books About Rain for Rainy Days
Rainy days are my favorite. Reading books is my favorite. Combining rainy days with reading is an ULTIMATE favorite! It’s true. What is better than cuddling up with a fuzzy blanket and a stack of books on a rainy day? Almost nothing. Below is a list of over a dozen picture books that we love…

15+ Picture Books that help Build Confidence (Full of Positive Affirmation and Expressions of Love)
Confidence. It’s one of those things that everyone wants, yet can be tricky to define. It can be even trickier as a parent or caregiver to try and figure out how to help intentionally raise your children to be confident. In my personal opinion, positive affirmations and expressions of love are two very solid ways…

12+ of the Best Picture books about Ballet and Ballerinas
As a young girl I took ballet classes and I loved it! My favorite part was the storytelling that we got to do through dance when I got to participate in small roles of larger performances. Though I didn’t continue my ballet for long, I will always cherish the memories I made and the lessons…

20+ Excellent Books for Black History Month & All Year
Black History is such a powerful, inspiring and important history for everyone to hear and learn from. This list includes books that teach about the injustices in Black History and how strong individuals overcame as well as books that celebrate Black heritage. Each one of these books has so much to offer and they make…

Our Top 20 Books of 2020
This year has been an amazing one in the world of children’s literature. There have been so many wonderful books released that have left the most lovely impression. After much deliberation, listed below is our list of our top 20 favorites. They are impactful, creative, hilarious, beautifully illustrated and definitely “stand-outs” in our opinion. If…

20 Not-To-Be-Missed Picture Books
Every year hundreds and hundreds of wonderful books are released out into the world and here at Book Nerd Mommy we try to share as many of the exceptional stand-out books as possible. We know that it is impossible to keep-up with all the new releases and that fantastic books can get missed or slip…

25 Picture Books That Are Perfect for Fall
Isn’t Fall such a cozy season? I love the beautiful fall leaves, excuse to wear sweaters and the glorious crisp smell, but my favorite part of fall is probably cuddling up in front a fireplace with a good book. Below is a list of 25 of our favorite books for Fall. Most of them are…
Beginning Reader Books

10 of the Best Graphic Novel Series for Newly Independent Readers
Being a newly independent reader is a very exciting time and you want young children to experience as much success as possible to help them enjoy reading and continue to develop their reading skills. Choosing books that are difficult enough to challenge them, yet simple enough that they can have success on their own is…

20+ Wonderful Beginning-Intermediate Reader Graphic Novels
Graphic novels are some of the most popular books in our home right now. They are entertaining, fun and all around awesome. This list is full of over 20 that we personally love. The list is meant to be great books for the transition from beginning to intermediate readers. I have them sorted by recommended…

20 Beginning Chapter Book Series with Illustrations
All beginning chapter books need a fun plot line and illustrations throughout, in my opinion. A fun plot line will pull children in and help they become lifelong readers who love reading and illustrations are vital at this young age when they are transitioning from picture books to chapter books. Below is list of 15+…

15 Short & Easy Beginning Chapter Book Series with Color Illustrations
Whether you have a new reader who is reader for longer text and is looking to build reading confidence or you are looking for the next step up from picture books in your read-aloud: illustrated beginning chapter books are for you! This list is one that I curated with some fantastic beginning chapter book series…

20+ Easy and Short Graphic Novels for Beginning Readers
We are major graphic novel fans over here! There are so many darling and clever graphic novels constantly releasing and it is so much fun to see. In fact, I’m a little jealous that all of these books weren’t around when I was a kid learning to read! Just like “regular books”, graphic novels come…

What We’re Using To Teach Reading At Home
Reading is one of my favorite parts of life. Obviously my beliefs and family come first before everything, then there are some other important priorities under that, but not far down the list is reading. Reading is my hobby, my “escape”, my entertainment, my passion and so much more. I am beyond thrilled that both…

“Ready-To-Read” Leveled Readers From Simon & Schuster
This post is done in partnership with Simon & Schuster. “Ready-To-Read” Leveled Readers from Simon & Schuster Teaching your child to read, whether you are homeschooling or supporting a public school education at home, can seem like a daunting task. There are so many books out there, and it can be hard to know where to start…

The Ultimate List of Great Beginning Chapter Book Series
Beginning chapter books are so important because they are the connection between leveled readers and regular chapter books. You can often recognize beginning/easy chapter books simply by glancing through the interiors. Usually there are still a good number of illustrations and the chapters are incredibly short. Also, the text is often spaced out with extra…

Our Favorite Early Reader Series for Beginning Readers!
Sometimes early readers have a bad reputation for being boring and dry. However, they can be a lot of fun, really they can! We are talking so much fun that even adults enjoy reading them. Talk the Elephant and Piggie books for example, I still chuckle every time I read them. Plus, there are…
Intermediate & Middle Grade Books

20+ Wonderful Beginning-Intermediate Reader Graphic Novels
Graphic novels are some of the most popular books in our home right now. They are entertaining, fun and all around awesome. This list is full of over 20 that we personally love. The list is meant to be great books for the transition from beginning to intermediate readers. I have them sorted by recommended…

5 Fantastic New Middle Grade Books Ed. 4
This latest batch of middle grade bunch is a particularly wonderful one! It took me extra long to get this group up because I read a lot of middle grade books to find these titles that I am really excited about sharing. The other titles, in my opinion, just didn’t “cut-it” for one reason or…

5 Fantastic New Middle Grade Books Ed. 3
I am so excited to share the third edition of the last five middle grade books that I read and loved. They include a nonfiction beauty and four fictional stories that are sure to delight and transport you into their world. Below are my thoughts on each book as well as a synopsis that I…

5 Fantastic New Middle Grade Books Ed.2
I’m so pleased to share the second edition of the last five, noteworthy middle-grade books that I read. Each one is so vastly different from the next and each one is wonderful in it’s own right. Below you will find a short synopsis of my feelings about the book as well and the synopsis that…

5 Fantastic New Middle Grade Books
I really enjoy reading middle grade books and I am so excited to share my latest “middle grade reads” that I loved with you. Each one is a gem that I feel adults can enjoy just as much as children and each one is so different. I hope one or more sparks your interests and…

7 New Middle Grade Books that I Adore
These past few months I have been rediscovering the wonderfulness that is middle grade literature. When I taught fifth grade I read middle grade books all.the.time so that I could keep up on the genre and be able to recommend and introduce my students to amazing books. However, since teaching I slowly stopped reading as…

5 Great Tips to Encourage Kids to Read in the Summer
Sunshine, popsicles, swimsuits, green grass, parks, camping and more. Yup, summertime is pretty glorious! However, lurking in the cool shadows of those beautifully leafy trees is a horrible danger. It is often referred to as the “summer slide”. No, this isn’t you typical slide found at a playground, what I am referring to is children…