“A quiet day reading is perfect for one. Books take you to everywhere under the sun. But when the story is over you might start to feel blue and realize your day would be better with…. Two.”
Counting with Barefoot Critters by Teagan White
Teagan did it again! After reading Adventures with Barefoot Critters I was thinking that there was no way the sequel could really be just as wonderful. And I know its cliche to say, but it really truly is! This book has all of the delight and charm of the first book. True, it is incredibly similar to the first book in illustrations and set-up, but that is what makes them such a perfect pair in my opinion. Plus, this book has a tiny bit of a different twist to keep it feeling fresh and new.
This book starts with one little “critter” who has just finished reading a book and decides that her day would be more fun with “two”, so she bakes with a friend. After they are done baking they decide to go exploring with a third friend, then they set-up an apple stand with four, and so the pattern continues with each activity throughout the entire day. The book ends with the original “critter” going to bed and reflecting on her busy, but exciting day and how much friends enrich her life and the memories she makes. It really is a sweet and whimsical sequel worthy to be paired with the first one.
I almost forgot! As an added bonus this book includes a map at the front where the numbers not only represent the sequence of activities done that day, but how many friends were involved! I told you Teagan was super clever! Love it!
Counting with Barefoot Critters comes out August 9th, 2016! Keep an eye out!
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