Yet again, this year was an INCREDIBLE one for children’s literature! I am always amazed by the multitude of incredible new books that are released every year. Just when you think it can’t possibly get any better, a new book hits the shelves and leaves an imprint in you heart.
Now that the year is winding to a close I get to do my annual reflection on the many that were published and share my top 20 personal favorites. It is such a pleasure to revisit the books of the year and yet it is so difficult to narrow favorites down to a mere 20. In many ways, it doesn’t seem fair because there are so many fantastic candidates.
However, to keep the list a more manageable size, narrow it down I do. I look for books that make a lasting impression, books that have layers of depth, empowering books that can inspire change, books with stunning illustrations and books that are sure to linger in your heart. Below are the 20 (plus one extra) books that fit those categories the best for me this year. If there are any that you haven’t had the chance to read yet, I strongly encourage you to check them out from your local library! Each one is amazing and deserves a lot of love. Who knows, you may just find a new favorite!
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What’s Cooking at 10 Garden Street?: Recipes for Kids From Around the World by Felicita Sala- This book is a culinary celebration of cultures around the world! Plus, it includes simple recipes!
The Real Boat by Victoria Aromshtam, Marina/Semykina- This is the story of a small boat with a lot of courage as it heads-out in the ocean on an epic journey.
When Charley Met Emma by Amy Webb and Merrilee Liddiard – One of the best books I have ever seen about helping children understand how to interact with other children who may have differences that seem intimidating/unfamiliar at first. So heartfelt and helpful.
My Heart by Corinna Luyken- A beautiful and tender book about our hearts and the emotions that reside there.
The Good Egg by Jory John and Pete Oswald – A book for every little perfectionist about making sure to make time for self care and taking it easy on yourself. Done in such fun and easy to understand way!
When Grandma Gives You a Lemon Tree by Jamie L.B. Deenihan and Lorraine Rocha- This book packs a lot of punch! It features relationships, entrepreneurialism, optimism and “unplugging”.
The Invisible Garden by Valérie Picard and Marianne Ferrer- A simple and refreshing story about where mindfulness and imagination can meet. Like a breath of fresh air.
Brave Molly by Brooke Boynton-Hughes- This one is POWERFUL! It is a wordless wonder that shows how standing up to your fears can empower and free you.
All the Ways to be Smart by Davina Bell and Allison Colpoys- This book is out on a special mission. It highlights all the many ways there are to be smart and helps each child realize and celebrate their strengths.
Butterflies on the First Day of School by Annie Silvestro and Dream Chen- An insightful story that shows the nerves that can accompany the first day of school as well as what can help alleviate them. Such sweet story.
Leila in Saffron by Rukhsanna Guidroz and Dinara Mirtalipova- A story about individuality, embracing your culture and self discovery. Wonderfully done.
The Dictionary of Difficult Words: With more than 400 perplexing words to test your wits! by Jane Solomon and Louise Lockhart- This oversized book is for all word lovers everywhere. It features a plethora of fascinating words and their definitions.
Look, It’s Raining by Mathieu Pierloot and Maria Dek- I positively adore this one! It is about natures treasures that can be discovered and appreciated on rainy days.
Mira’s Curly Hair by Maryam Al Serkal and Rebeca Luciani- In this story Mira learns to embrace herself when she discovers commonalities she has with her beloved mother. Beautiful and impactful.
A Year with Mama Earth by Rebecca Grabill and Rebecca Green- This book has a piece of my heart. It is a poetic and beautiful celebration of all Mother Earth offers us and the beauty of the changing of the seasons.
Cornelia and the Jungle Machine by Nora Brech- This story transports you to the jungle where a fascinating child lives in a treehouse and makes the most incredible inventions. It feels like such an adventure.
Sweep by Louise Greig and Júlia Sardà- This book is excellent for emotional awareness as it teaches about not letting your negative emotions “pile up” to be “pushed around” with you.
When Sadness Comes to Call by Eva Eland- One of the most tender and insightful books about sadness out there. This book has so much that you can discuss with children about managing and accepting emotions.
The Love Letter by Anika Aldamuy Denise and Lucy Ruth Cummins- This lovely book demonstrates the power of words and how positive words have the power to change.
A Day So Gray by Marie Lamba and Alea Marley- In this book we are reminded that even the grayest of days are actually full of color and that optimism has the power to influence our reality and how we view things.
There you have it, our top 20 picture books of the year! But, because I can’t help myself, I HAD to share what is probably our favorite board book of 2019. Its colorful, innovative, educational and just plain adorable. Here it is:
Alphabet Street by Jonathon Emmett and Ingela P. Arrhenius- This board book folds out and stands up to make an “alphabet street” with flaps to lift and fun details to peruse. Love it!
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Marcia G. Riley says
I would like to introduce you to my children’s picture book, The Pillow Fairy, by Marcia G. Riley.
It helps kids sleep alone in their own beds. My illustrator did an amazing job. It is well loved
by children and their well-rested parents.
Hallee Adelman says
What a wonderful list! Thank you for sharing your faves.