“Crab Cake: Turning the Tide Together” by Andrea Tsurumi
Every fish and creature in the sea seems to have a purpose or a task to fulfill and crab’s is baking cakes. It’s simply what he does. He seems to take joy in baking and sharing his delicacies with his ocean friends. However, one day disaster strikes in the ocean and pollution leaves the fish scared and unsure how to respond. Crab, however, knows just what to do! He bakes a cake of course!
His cake creates the wonderful effect of joining al the sea life together, adding a sense of normalcy, and lifting the mood to a more positive note. It helps get them talking and problem solving until they have the mess cleaned up. All from a cake baked by a crab who isn’t afraid to use his strong suit to make an impact. I love the darling illustrations in this book, but even more I love it’s message that everyone has something to offer. You, and what you do, is enough. LOVE!
Click here to purchase “Crab Cake” *affiliate link

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Petite Seashell Cakes
Crab and I have something in common, we love to bake. Often when I am trying to give someone a little extra love or support, I bake them something. Like crab, it’s just what I do! Therefore, I simply couldn’t resist creating a cake recipe inspired by this wonderful book.
In the story, Crab bakes cakes both large and small. My personal favorites were his single serving petite cakes because they were just so darn cute. Especially when topped with a little seashell. That is why I decided to make little, iced, pink cakes topped with candy seashells for this story.

I am so pleased with how they turned out and my kids thought they were wonderful. They just look so happy and my little girl even thought they would make excellent mermaid cakes. I would have to agree, they would be adorable at a mermaid party! I used a box mix and Candy Melts for the icing which made these little cakes super quick and easy to make. I think our literary and fictional crab friend would be pleased.

- Box of Cake mix (I used strawberry because I wanted them to be pink.)
- Other ingredients cake mix calls for. (eggs, oil…)
- Pink Candy Melts (I used these.)
- Heavy Whipping Cream
- Turquoise Candy Melts (I used these.)
- Seashell silicone mold (I used these.)
- Edible Gold Paint (I used these.)
- Mix cake mix according to the directions on the box. Divide batter into a muffin/cupcake tin that has been greased in preparation. Bake according to the cupcake baking time and temperature on mix instructions until toothpick comes up clean.
- When the cakes have baked and cooled completely they are ready for icing. To prepare the icing place 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream in a microwave safe bowl and cook in the microwave for about 45 seconds until hot. Remove carefully from the microwave and mix in 2 cups of pink Candy Melt disks. Mix together until the disks are melted and the icing is combined. Wait about 2-3 more minutes until the icing is warm, not hot, and use a spoon to drizzle the icing over the top of your small cakes. Allow to cool.
- Create the seashells using a silicone mold (here is the one I used) and turquoise Candy Melts. When they are cooled you can add a gold accent using edible gold paint (here is the one I used) if desired. Place on the top of your cakes.

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