There is something about Linzer cookies that I am completely drawn too! Maybe it’s the fact that they have delicious filling in the middle, or that you essentially get double the cookies per serving, or maybe its because they look so perfectly adorable. I love them so much that I knew that I had to try my hand at creating my own version of a linzer style cookie and I am so pleased with how they turned out!
Because these are a red velvet cut-out cookie hearts seemed like the obvious choice and I am in love. They look so happy and inviting sitting on the plate together and they taste just as good as they look! This recipe creates a dough that is silky smooth and easy to work with and bakes cookies that have a delightful texture and are just the right firmness for filling/sandwiching without being too hard.
Seriously, I could go on and on about the perfectness fo these cookies for fillings! When you bite into them the cookie is soft enough to give without being so soft that you loose definition between the cookie and the filling. Plus, there’s no issues with the soft filling spilling out the sides when you bite because the cookie is too hard. Don’t you just hate it when that happens?!

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The red velvet flavor is pronounced enough that these cookies definitely claim their title and are so yummy that it is hard to stop after just one. And finally, to top it all off, I use a pre-made marshmallow fluff for the filling just to make life easier! Winning!
If you are looking for an extra-special little touch to add to these cookies I highly recommend adding a little royal icing to the top as decoration. It makes them look and taste all the more scrumptious and it can be added so easily if you want to use pre-made icing. I love the effect so much that I think I may always need to add that little flourish!

One of the ingredients that makes these cookies so special is the Red Velvet Emulsion. It gives them the perfect red velvet flavor! You can find Red Velvet Emulsion in stores, but if you’re having difficulty finding it, or want a recommendation, here is the link to the one that I used.
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